Helldivers 2 Lead Draws The Line On Potential Crossovers

Helldivers 2 Lead Draws The Line On Potential Crossovers

From TheGamer (Written by Joshua Robertson) on | OpenCritic

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Helldivers 2's first proper crossover with Killzone can probably be called a success. There was a bit of an outcry over its pricing, which some would argue was a little overblown, but it gave developer Arrowhead an idea about pricing and delivery method in the future, which will hopefully avoid snags like that in the future. But, the real question is which crossover is coming next?

Ever since the release of the Killzone crossover, one of the most common topics among Helldivers 2 communities is which game should get a crossover next. Cyberpunk 2077 is a popular request, as the game's Trauma Team seems ready and waiting to be plopped into Helldivers 2, while some of the more outlandish suggestions include voice packs based on the penguins from Madagascar.

Arrowhead is now giving away its second load of crossover cosmetics for free.

We know that Arrowhead doesn't want to "dilute" the core Helldivers 2 experience, so we can rule out some of the more ridiculous suggestions, but Arrowhead chief creative officer Johan Pilestedt has now reached out to the community in an attempt to draw a line over potential crossovers and what players can expect.

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