A talented modder has righted one of the few wrongs with Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero's roster and added a character slot for GT Vegeta, who even has Super Saiyan transformations.
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero does a lot of things right, but undeniably the thing that it does best is its absolutely stacked roster of more than 160 characters. That roster spans all of the sagas of Dragon Ball (well, only a little of OG Dragon Ball) and covers pretty much everyone you'd want it to, from Frieza Soldier to Super Saiyan 4 Goku.
Xenoverse is all about alternate scenarios, but Sparking Zero’s what-if battles are all far more interesting and surprising.
As great as it is that Sparking Zero even has any characters from Dragon Ball GT considering how long we all wondered if they'd be left out, it's fair to say that it's missing a few characters here and there. Ignoring Super 17, the biggest miss in my opinion is a non-Baby and non-Super Saiyan 4 version of GT Vegeta.
That cardinal sin has finally been fixed thanks to talented Nexus Mods creator ToastVrc, who recently put together a mod that finally adds GT Vegeta to...