FromSoftware Fans Are Calling For Pause Buttons, Replayable Boss Fights, And More

FromSoftware Fans Are Calling For Pause Buttons, Replayable Boss Fights, And More

From TheGamer (Written by Joshua Robertson) on | OpenCritic

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FromSoftware is easily one of the best studios out there at the moment, pumping out absurdly brilliant titles on a timeline that probably makes the rest of the industry sick with envy. Even when FromSoftware isn't making brilliant soulslikes back-to-back, they put out bangers like Armored Core 6.

No studio is without flaws though, and FromSoftware is no exception. Most of its games have one or two issues that we can complain about if we're being really picky, and it just so happens that the FromSoftware subreddit was feeling particularly picky earlier this week, sharing what they believe are the biggest issues across all of FromSoftware's games.

A Reddit user called Yeetitmeyeet was the first to kick off the discussion, who explained that they really dislike the runbacks you have to go through when trying to beat a particularly difficult boss, claiming the game "doesn’t respect my time". It may not be that much of a problem in more modern FromSoftware games, but some of those early games are rough for it.

Another popular response came from a Reddit user called Educational_Motor733, who took issue with the lock on system used in pretty much all the studio's games,...

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