Alan Wake Remastered Was Briefly Free On Xbox Due To An Oversight

Alan Wake Remastered Was Briefly Free On Xbox Due To An Oversight

From TheGamer (Written by Josh Coulson) on | OpenCritic

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You might have seen a pretty great deal doing the rounds on social media over the past 24 hours involving Alan Wake 2 and receiving a free copy of the first game's remaster just for downloading the sequel's trial. You might also have discovered that when trying to cash in on the deal yourselves, it didn't work. That's because it seems Xbox giving away Alan Wake Remastered for free was an accident.

A free game bundled with a free trial is quite the steal, hence word of it it spreading like wildfire on social media as soon as people noticed it. It didn't take long for it to be noticed either as people went to the Xbox Store to download the Alan Wake 2 free trial as soon as Xbox revealed it's a part of its FreePlayDays this weekend. Someone noticed claiming the trial reduced the price of Alan Wake Remastered to free and then word began to spread.

Happy New Year to anyone who managed to bag It Takes Two for just a dollar.

Remedy has frequently bundled Alan Wake Remastered with Alan Wake 2 for no additional cost. Smart marketing as anyone who wants to try the sequel...

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