A Bloodborne mod that made the game playable in 60fps has been taken offline at the behest of Sony. The mod's creator, Lance McDonald, has removed the links he posted for his fan-made patch, although it's unclear why Sony decided to take action after all this time.
Bloodborne 60fps Patch had been available online since February 2021, so this DMCA takedown notice comes almost exactly four years after its release. Fans of the game aren't quite sure what to make of this development, as some hope this means that Sony is planning to do something with Bloodborne itself, whereas others are much less optimistic.
"Today I received a DMCA takedown notification on behalf of Sony Interactive Entertainment asking that I remove links to the patch I posted on the internet, so I've now done so," says McDonald, writing on Bluesky.
There are still backups archived online, so the mod is not gone for good. However, it will take a little more searching around than it used to, and anyone posting the links might have their post taken down through a copyright strike now that Sony is going after it.
In the replies, some speculate that this means...