Football Manager 25 Has Been Cancelled To Focus On Next Entry

Football Manager 25 Has Been Cancelled To Focus On Next Entry

From TheGamer (Written by Vaspaan Dastoor) on | OpenCritic

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The Football Manager series has been having a tough time over the last few years. While previous entries in the series faced multiple delays, it looks like things went really badly with the upcoming one. Sports Interactive and Sega have announced that Football Manager 25 has officially been cancelled.

A division between developers has led to a promising indie game being culled.

The now cancelled title was already delayed twice, but it seems that the developer just could not get over the hurdles. With FM25 cancelled, Sports Interactive will now shift its focus towards Football Manager 26. This will be the first time in its 20-year history that Football Manager will skip an entry.

"We know this will come as a huge disappointment, especially given that the release date has already moved twice, and you have been eagerly anticipating the first gameplay reveal," said a blog post. "We can only apologise for the time it has taken to communicate this decision. Due to stakeholder compliance, including legal and financial regulations, today was the earliest date that we could issue this statement."

The statement went on to explain that "the overarching player experience and interface is not where we...

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