Civ 7 Fans Want A Post-Apocalypse Age

Civ 7 Fans Want A Post-Apocalypse Age

From TheGamer (Written by James Troughton) on | OpenCritic

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Civilization 7 introduces a new mechanic called Ages, splitting each game into several playable chapters that encapsulate different periods of human advancement. There are three Ages in total — Antiquity, Exploration, and Modern — but fans have a fun idea for a fourth.

"With the new Age system bringing semi-resets, it would be possible for a DLC to bring a doomsday device in the modern era that instantly ends the Age (or causes an Age-ending crisis). Triggering it would send the map into a nuclear summer/winter/insert apocalypse here," u/m0st1yh4rm13ss suggested on the series' subreddit.

Civ already has nuclear weapons — Ghandi is infamous for being trigger-happy with them — and they more than fit the bill for a "doomsday device". While firing them is devastating, immediately dropping a city's health and fortification to zero, it's also a diplomatic nightmare as you lose amenities and rapidly accumulate new grievances. An entire Post-Apocalyptic Age would take that idea even further, as a direct push into nuclear conflict could trigger a global war that sees the map reduced to rubble.

Another fan, u/Horn_Python, even suggested that the Post-Apocalyptic Age could loop back to Antiquity, essentially...

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