Civilization 7 Fans Are Getting Sick Of "Aggressive" Forward Settling AI

Civilization 7 Fans Are Getting Sick Of "Aggressive" Forward Settling AI

From TheGamer (Written by Joshua Robertson) on | OpenCritic

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Civilization 7 has been a major disappointment for a lot of fans of the series, who called the title an "unfinished mess" when it launched earlier this month. It's a game with major problems, whether it be easily fixable such as the dodgy UI, or more foundational dislikes such as the new Ages system.

Now that players have had the game in their hands for a little while, a new problem seems to have arisen when playing on higher difficulties. First brought up by Reddit user Throwntosaturn on the Civilization subreddit, it appears as though a lot of people are having problems with aggressive forward settling from the AI. More specifically, the lack of counterplay is what is driving players up the wall.

In their post, Throwntosaturn claims that this tactic from the AI is almost impossible to play against, and even penalizes you for the rest of the Age if you try to do anything about it. All you can really do is capture them and then become the proud owner of a fairly useless city, wasting your settlement cap, or raze it to the ground and get a permanent war weariness penalty.

"If you spawn anywhere near an...

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