Half-Life fan u/Stannis_Loyalist and SteamDB creator xPaw have discovered an unannounced Valve game on the Steam backend, which even has an accompanying multiplayer server.
Many assume that this is "HLX", which reportedly entered the playtesting phase last year. If you've been hunkering down in a dumpster like a certain Unforeseen Consequences scientist, HLX is believed to be Half-Life 3, a non-VR sequel to Alyx and Episode Two, putting us back into the HEV suit of Gordon Freeman.
As u/Stannis_Loyalist explains, we know that this is a Valve multiplayer game because all of its past multiplayer Source 2 projects have an IGC_Version client and server, which this listing also does.
Whether this SteamDB listing really is HLX, however, is unclear. And what that would mean is also a complete mystery. It could point to an imminent reveal, explaining G-Man actor Mike Shapiro's cryptic New Year's Eve tease, or the appID could sit there for months, receiving update after update, without explanation.
It's worth taking this with a heap of salt, to say the least. But if it is Half-Life related, the multiplayer element is an interesting new detail.
If you hear 'Half-Life 3...