An early comparison between the graphical fidelity of Days Gone Remastered and the 2019 original has some fans wondering whether the game needed a remaster in the first place. Unlike the comprehensive visual upgrade seen in the recent remaster of Horizon Zero Dawn, Days Gone Remastered looks to be bringing forth much milder, if not indistinguishable, changes compared to the PC version of the base game.
Developed by PlayStation first-party team Bend Studio, Days Gone launched in 2019 to mixed reviews due to bugs, glitches, and a general lack of technical polish. The issues were cleaned up in subsequent months and Days Gone eventually went on to sell over seven million copies (as of 2022). However, the prospect of a sequel looked shaky as Bend Studio reportedly went through some internal turmoil that led to both of Days Gone's directors exiting the team. Since then, the studio has repeatedly had to quash hopes regarding Days Gone 2, which has become one of the most-requested sequels for a PlayStation game in recent years.
Another detail about the upcoming Days Gone remaster for PlayStation 5 seems to have upset some fans of t he game.
Bend Studio had been working...