Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Mod Puts Cloud In His OG Kingdom Hearts Outfit

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Mod Puts Cloud In His OG Kingdom Hearts Outfit

From TheGamer (Written by Josh Coulson) on | OpenCritic

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Aside from the chance for a whole new audience to play a game via its arrival on another platform, the best thing about console exclusives coming to PC is the ability for talented modders to get their hands on them. That naturally happened almost immediately once Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth arrived on PC, and less than a month later, dedicated fans have created a mod that lets your Rebirth Cloud look like he's been ripped right out of Kingdom Hearts.

Cloud has been a part of Kingdom Hearts since its inception. However, the Final Fantasy 7 protagonist looks a little different in the Disney series than he does in his own. Although his appearance is more or less the same, he has a red cloak that often covers the lower part of his face, and his iconic Buster Sword is wrapped in bandages.

The ball's in your court, Disney.

The Cloud Kingdom Hearts outfit, created by ColossalCake and available now through Nexus Mods, takes both of those things, and other subtle changes to Cloud's gear and appearance unique to Kingdom Hearts, and puts them in Rebirth. The good news for the mod's creator is Cloud's Loveless outfit in Rebirth was...

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