Minor to Major spoilers for the games mentioned to follow.
In most cases, video games end on a triumphant note, or, as we like to call it, a "happy ending." Even horror games aren't immune to light at the end of the tunnel.
Evangelion: 3.0+1.01 Thrice Upon a Time has given Shinji Ikari and friends the ending they deserve.
However, for certain video games, that just simply isn't the case. Things end bleakly, and you may have had your heart broken along the way. Heck, even something as cheerful as Pokémon isn't immune to a sad episode. Taking to Reddit, one user wanted to know one thing: What's the saddest video game you ever played? If you've played through these games, you may start crying at the thought of revisiting things.
Right from the get-go, one user wrote, "Red Dead Redemption 2 will make any grown man cry." They're not wrong, either. Few things are as sad as seeing Arthur Morgan slowly fade into death, and even using some of his final words to tell Dutch, "I gave you all I had."
Another user pointed to Final Fantasy 10, writing, "Final Fantasy 10 gets real sad, real fast."...