Randy Pitchford Says You'll Only Get "The Best Borderlands" If You Root For Him

Randy Pitchford Says You'll Only Get "The Best Borderlands" If You Root For Him

From TheGamer (Written by James Troughton) on | OpenCritic

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Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford drew fire last month from the Borderlands community after muting Twitch streamer Mitsu for posting a lengthy thread about their concerns with the new game. "Don't need this energy right now as the team and I bust our a** to make BL4 the best Borderlands game yet," Pitchford replied.

Just a few days ago, Midwest Games dev Gothalion tagged the pair, arguing that Mitsu's "critique came from a place of love", while asking Pitchford to reconsider and "digest [the thread] gracefully".

"I didn't see any critique," Pitchford responded (as reported by GamesRadar). "I just saw shi**y negativity that was demotivating. Want the best Borderlands? Root for us and cheer us on. If you take developer's passion for granted, we'll all pay the price. I love criticism and, thankfully, I have never been in short supply. Don't gaslight me on his post. It wasn't criticism. It was pessimism. It's toxic for people killing themselves for your entertainment, so fu** that noise."

As for what Mitsu said to spark the controversy in the first place, he argued that Borderlands 4 needs a "robust, long term post-launch vision" to keep players invested, worrying that without it, the game...

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