Civilization 7 has been a mixed release for Firaxis. Although some appreciate the changes Firaxis has made to the Civilization formula, others are displeased with these dramatic formula shifts. While the merits of gameplay features are a matter of opinion, there's also a more universal suspicion in the community that Firaxis rushed Civilization 7 to release. The basis for this accusation is some of the lingering jankiness and clarity issues present in the game, such as Civilization 7's obtuse user interface problems.
This came to a head in a recent Reddit thread from Moon_Star, who says they feel like a "beta tester" for the game, rather than someone playing a finished product. The reason for this exasperation is another player's discovery that Britain's unique unit, the Revenge, is actually the exact same model as a generic battleship unit. Predictably, this fact proved particularly galling to players, given that a civilization's unique unit is a core part of its identity.
A community manager from Firaxis responded to the thread, saying "Team is working on a new design for this that better reflects the Revenge as a unique unit - stay posted!" The comment currently has negative 76 upvotes, with...