No Man's Sky Base Forces You To Land Inside Giant Golden Toilet

No Man's Sky Base Forces You To Land Inside Giant Golden Toilet

From TheGamer (Written by James Troughton) on | OpenCritic

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No Man's Sky is chock-full of exciting things to discover as you chart the unknown galaxy, from lush fungal swamps and volcanoes that dwarf Mount Everest to dead planets littered with ancient alien ruins. Oh, and toilets.

u/meekerthegreat was exploring the vast digital space of No Man's Sky and came across a strange little landing pad... inside a toilet. A giant golden toilet no less, complete with a skyscraper-sized plunger.

I was looking for a certain solar ship and went through a portal to get it and this was built right above the portal!

Bizarrely, this isn't the first time that someone has stumbled across a giant golden toilet in No Man's Sky. Four years ago, u/AconofWD40 found the exact same design on a completely different planet. Once again, it had an enormous plunger, bog roll, and some cleaning products. Someone is leaving a trail of Johns all across the universe.

Like u/meekerthegreat, they found this out-of-place toilet by complete accident, "While revisiting an old base on an early community highlight planet in Euclid". It's unclear who exactly is leaving these dotted around, but they were likely thrown together with a mod, not by hand. u/sun_and_water speculates...

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