Grand Theft Auto 6 Is Being Listed For $112 On One Site

Grand Theft Auto 6 Is Being Listed For $112 On One Site

From TheGamer (Written by Jack Coleman) on | OpenCritic

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Grand Theft Auto 6's price has yet to be revealed by Rockstar, but speculative buyers suspect publisher Take-Two will charge a higher price than the standard $50-$70 that other triple-A releases tend to cost. This is reflective of the (presumptive) massive budget of Grand Theft Auto 6, and also because the game is very highly-anticipated, meaning that consumers are likely to pay whatever Take-Two asks.

A recent listing for the game on Swiss retailer Brack has set the price at 99 Francs, which converts to about $112 (nice spot, Destructoid). Although pre-orders of Grand Theft Auto 6 aren't available yet, the retailer has specified that the price is correct in the questions and answers section of the listing. This is far from confirmation that GTA 6 is going to cost over $100, but Brack's pricing of 99 Francs is specific enough to spark speculation.

There is no definitive proof of the Grand Theft Auto 6 pricing speculation, but it appears that a lot of players have already accepted that they could be paying $100 or more. Rockstar has never adopted a unique pricing strategy for its games, but the studio has also never...

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