Monster Hunter Wilds Players Are Yearning For Gammoth But Are Worried The Maps Are Holding It Back

Monster Hunter Wilds Players Are Yearning For Gammoth But Are Worried The Maps Are Holding It Back

From TheGamer (Written by Sam Woods) on | OpenCritic

Games discussed:

Monster Hunter Wilds has the smallest array of large monsters in modern Monster Hunter titles. On one hand, it's a shame that there's seemingly a lack of content at launch. On the other hand, it leaves plenty of scope for Capcom to add series favorites at a later date.

The Bazelgeuse is one monster players are desperate for the return of, and there are dozens more that have come up in discussions.

It's an interesting combination if ever we saw one.

But the longer the game has been out, the more of a realization players face that some of the series' best monsters just won't fit in Monster Hunter Wilds' smaller maps.

Over on the Monster Hunter subreddit, players have been yearning for the return of the Gammoth, a monster whose only appearance has come in Monster Hunter Generations/Generations Ultimate.

One of the largest Fanged Beasts in series history, the Gammoth is a huge, female wooly mammoth-esque monster capable of whipping up icy vortexes. Having not appeared for so long, Wilds' players were hoping that the creature would make a return this time around. However, they have slowly come to the realization that the only suitable map, Iceshard Cliffs, is...