Katsuhiro Harada Wants You To Stop Pitching Tekken Characters To Him

Katsuhiro Harada Wants You To Stop Pitching Tekken Characters To Him

From TheGamer (Written by Rhiannon Bevan) on | OpenCritic

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Tekken series director Katsuhiro Harada has spoken out about fan-requested fighters and is asking fans to stop sending him their ideas.

In a long post about the matter, Harada says that if you pitch a fighter, they will be even less likely to appear in the game, as the team must avoid any legal concerns surrounding character ownership. Further still, he says that the more detailed requests will definitely be ignored, out of fear that the person pitching them will take legal action if they're used in-game.

"It would be wise to stop showing us your 'specific character ideas' on social networking sites or in letters to us," says Harada. "Instead, your actions will contribute to the possibility that your request will not be realized."

He continues, explaining why this is the case. "Basically, the more specific and detailed the idea is, the less likely we are to adopt it, and the further away from it we are from being influenced by it. Why? Because a certain percentage of people will file a lawsuit in the form of 'you used my proposal without permission' or 'you stole my proposal' or 'that was my proposal.'"

That's a legitimate fear,...

See full article at TheGamer