Final Fantasy 14 Fans Are Still Upset With Viera And Hrothgar Hat Options

Final Fantasy 14 Fans Are Still Upset With Viera And Hrothgar Hat Options

From TheGamer (Written by Joshua Robertson) on | OpenCritic

Fashion is pretty important in the Final Fantasy 14 community, as you're given countless options to customize your characters and their outfits in whatever way you want. People were just as excited about Dawntrail adding more ways to dye clothes as they were with whole new jobs and races. Getting your boots, gloves, pants, chestpiece, and hat just right is of paramount importance to some people, but those that choose to play as Viera and Hrothgars have been unable to accessorize like the rest of the community for quite some time.

Having both been introduced late in Shadowbringers, the Viera and Hrothgar races have had a tough time of it when it comes to picking out anything decent to wear on their heads. Due to their ears (arguably the Viera's most defining feature) being cut off by almost every single hat/helmet in the game, many players feel forced to wear masks and headgear to keep their ears on full display. It's also a little strange from a realistic standpoint to imagine them crushing their ears with helmets and hats.

But it does so with good reason.

Many have been calling for Square Enix to just have ears clip through hats...

See full article at TheGamer