Splatoon 3 Teases Final Splatfest

Splatoon 3 Teases Final Splatfest

From Game Rant (Written by Trumann Tu) on | OpenCritic

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Nintendo has revealed that Splatoon 3's final Splatfast will begin on September 13 and its theme will be choosing between the Past, Present, and Future. First released in 2022, Splatoon 3 had two years of post-launch content and support. These free updates have kept the game fresh and provided fans with plenty to do, with one of the most community-driven game modes being Splatfest. Splatoon 3's Splatfests are held regularly and are a unique twist on the Turf War game mode, asking players to pick between three teams and competing to see which side will cumulatively come out on top.

Hackers and dataminers found evidence of how Splatoon 3 was nearing the end of an era earlier this June, uncovering a new hub, visuals, and a schedule that involved all three idol groups singing in rotation. In particular, this schedule would see all three groups sharing the stage, rather than being in their own separate hubs. A new trailer released by Nintendo shares some more information about when this Splatfest will occur, along with what side each idol group will represent.

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