Baldur's Gate 3 Dev Offers More Details on Shadowheart's Curse

Baldur's Gate 3 Dev Offers More Details on Shadowheart's Curse

From Game Rant (Written by José V. Rossi) on | OpenCritic

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Massive spoilers ahead regarding Baldur's Gate 3 Shadowheart

A Baldur’s Gate 3 writer has shed light on the nature of Shadowheart’s curse, revealing it is more akin to "chronic pain" causing discomfort rather than a life-long soul curse. These revelations have sparked discussion on social media among Baldur’s Gate 3 players.

Baldur's Gate 3 is renowned for its complex decision-making and intricate narrative. Shadowheart is a key companion whose journey is filled with moral dilemmas and personal growth. Players guide her through confronting her past and dealing with the divine influences shaping her fate. This recent revelation about her curse adds another layer of depth to her storyline, emphasizing the game's rich storytelling.

A Baldur's Gate 3 player online shares their impressive Withers cosplay, which looks just like the decrepit character from Larian's RPG.

John Corcoran, one of the game's writers, clarified that Baldur’s Gate 3 Shadowheart’s curse is "synonymous with chronic pain," comparing it to a "shock collar" that inflicts pain whenever Shadowheart steps out of line in Shar’s eyes. This perspective offers a nuanced understanding of the curse, suggesting it is a condition Shadowheart can manage rather than a lifelong affliction destined to turn her life...

See full article at Game Rant