In a game as large as Baldur's Gate 3, there's always a minute detail waiting to be discovered. This might be a rare dialogue interaction, or a strange sequence of events if you hit triggers in a way that Larian hadn't anticipated. This latest discovery involves both and comes from YouTuber ShandoraTheExplorer.
First, you'll need to access the Sacred Pool from the Emerald Grove's ramparts without triggering the scene where Arabella's parents try to bypass the druids to save their daughter. During this scene, the character Maggran will wild shape into a bear to bar their entry.
However, if you access the Sacred Pool and convince Kagha to release Arabella through dialogue options, then the scene with the parents will never trigger, leaving Maggran in his human form. You can then talk to him in his human form, and hear a very rare voice line.
The line isn't even animated as Larian presumably forgot triggering it was even a possibility. He says, "You're lucky I'm not in bear form… back off," before the dialogue ends automatically. Of course the guy only known for transforming into a bear has a line where he laments that he isn't currently a bear.