Turkey Bans Roblox To "Protect Our Children"

Turkey Bans Roblox To "Protect Our Children"

From TheGamer (Written by Sam Woods) on | OpenCritic

Roblox is one of the biggest video games in the world, but its younger audience makes it a prime location for potential child abuse, with the platform receiving "hundreds" of child safety reports every day.

Roblox has given remote employees three months to decide whether to return to the office or take a severance package.

This ongoing danger has led to the game being banned in Turkey, with the country's Justice Minister speaking out on the issue.

In a statement posted on Twitter, and shared by Bloomberg, Justice Minister Yilmaz Tunc said, “According to our constitution, the state is obliged to take the necessary measures to protect our children,” adding that the country will "protect and support the best interests of our children, the guarantor of our future."

He continued, "We respect the laws and regulations in countries where we operate and share local lawmakers’ commitment to children,” saying that "Attempts to undermine our social structure, abuse of children, encouragement of violence, and activities that will negatively affect the development of our children, each of whom is a precious gift, will never be allowed."

This ban follows a ban in Turkey on image sharing social platform Instagram, in which one...

See full article at TheGamer