Doctor Doom Has Defeated A Ton Of Marvel Heroes And Villains In Fortnite

Doctor Doom Has Defeated A Ton Of Marvel Heroes And Villains In Fortnite

From TheGamer (Written by George Foster) on | OpenCritic

Fortnite's version of Doctor Doom in Chapter 5 Season 4 has seemingly killed (or at least defeated) a bunch of different Marvel heroes and villains, including all of the Fantastic Four, Ultron, and even Magneto.

Now that we've all finally left the Wrecked Season behind and moved away from car combat in Fortnite, it should be a time for celebration on The Island. While players certainly seem happy so far to be back to basics and not going up against the Nitro Fists, the same can't quite be said for many of the Marvel heroes and villains who have appeared in the game so far.

Several games folding into a single metaverse isn't always a good thing.

As the name implies, Fortnite's Absolute Doom Season reintroduces Doctor Doom and gives him the starring role that he deserves. You might think that Doom poses no threat to Fortnite considering how many Marvel heroes and villains are roaming around at any one time, but it turns out that none of them are a match for this version of Victor Von Doom.

Now that Fortnite's Absolute Doom Season has gone live, players are able to jump into the new map and explore all...

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