Shinji Mikami Says There's "No Space" For Dino Crisis Because Of Monster Hunter

Shinji Mikami Says There's "No Space" For Dino Crisis Because Of Monster Hunter

From TheGamer (Written by Jack Coleman) on | OpenCritic

Dino Crisis creator Shinji Mikami doesn't believe there's any room for Dino Crisis in the current gaming market because of the popularity of the Monster Hunter series.

In an interview with Eurogamer about the upcoming release of Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered, Mikami was asked about a potential return of Dino Crisis. This speculation comes amid the results of a recent Capcom survey where the company asked which of its series fans would like to see return. Among 200,000 participants, Dino Crisis was one of the most popular answers.

"I'm very surprised to hear that," Mikami said in response to Dino Crisis' popularity among fans. "The awesomeness of dinosaurs and the stuff you can do with dinosaurs, that's been kind of really nailed down by Monster Hunter in recent years."

"So, even if I were to decide to make a remake or new version of Dino Crisis, I don't really feel like there's a whole lot of space for that kind of game right now, just since Monster Hunter has become such a big game. But yeah, it's surprising."

Dino Crisis hasn't had a release since 2003 when cult-classic Dino Crisis 3 was released exclusively on the original Xbox....

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