The following piece contains major spoilers for Red Dead Redemption 2.
Roger Clark, the voice of Red Dead Redemption 2's leading man Arthur Morgan, has given his opinions on the game's various endings; pointing to one ending which he believes best fits with Arthur Morgan's story.
In an interview with Gamology, Roger Clark touched on the subject of an objectively 'good' ending for Red Dead 2. Clark doesn't think any of these endings are good for Morgan, but there is one ending he believes fits best with the character.
Red Dead 2 has four different endings, high and low honour versions for helping John or returning for the money. "I never see much point of going back for the money. Arthur's days are numbered, what's money gonna do him anyway?" Clark said. "He might as well help John. So I think going back to help John, with high honour, for me, is my canon ending."
Another question posed to Clark was regarding which of Red Dead 2's many scenes were his favourite to motion capture. Clark responded that he enjoyed any scene where "the whole gang" was involved.
"There's so few moments in the game where everyone is...