Baldur’s Gate Trilogy Ranked – Which Game Is the Best?

Baldur’s Gate Trilogy Ranked – Which Game Is the Best?

From EIP Gaming (Written by Val Hull) on | OpenCritic

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When Baldur’s Gate 3 launched, it was hailed as the new gold standard in cRPGs. The game’s strikingly detailed visuals, approachable gameplay, colorful cast, and some clever viral marketing all came together to create a gaming phenomenon. Since its release in late 2023, Baldur’s Gate 3 won numerous awards, was proclaimed the Game of the Year by many, and maintained remarkably high scores from critics and players alike.

And while it’s hard to argue that Baldur’s Gate 3 isn’t a good game, the real question is – is it the best Baldur’s Gate game? Though, to be more accurate (considering titles like Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance), we should probably put is as – is it the best Baldur’s Gate game from the mainline trilogy?

Seeing how Baldur’s Gate 3 launched in 2023, while the original Baldur’s Gate was released all the way back in 1998, with Baldur’s Gate 2 following hot on its heels in 2000, comparing things like visual fidelity, prevalence of voice-acting and cutscenes is pointless. Instead, we’ll be looking at things that make a good RPG and a fun, timeless gaming experience.

Here’s our list of categories (you can think of these as the evaluation criteria):

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