Super Smash Bros. is a series that has been going for quite a long time, meaning its most loyal fans will have racked up more hours of playtime across every game than is possible to even track. Most of us have a game that we dedicate hundreds - if not thousands - of hours to, and while you might assume that's something that every developer would be thrilled about, Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai is a little different.
Ultimate was the pinnacle. It's time to start over.
In a new video uploaded to Sakurai's personal YouTube account (thanks GamesRadar), which he uses to share video game development tips and tidbits, the Smash Bros. director talks about how difficult it can be to grab and keep the attention of gamers in a world where the competition for a person's time is fierce.
Sakurai explains that it can feel "extremely daunting" for players to commit to spending thousands of hours on a single game, even if it is really fun, mainly because he thinks of all the things you could be doing with that time. He then admits that there are plenty of players who do spend that much time playing a...