The Witcher 3 Player Restores Cut Dialogue From The Best Ending

The Witcher 3 Player Restores Cut Dialogue From The Best Ending

From TheGamer (Written by Joshua Robertson) on | OpenCritic

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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has a couple of different endings depending on your actions throughout the game, but the majority of fans see the ending that has Ciri becoming a witcher and traveling with Geralt as the game's best. Geralt tells Emhyr Var Emreis that Ciri died preventing the White Frost from destroying everything, when in fact she's totally fine and waiting for Geralt at the White Orchard Inn.

Geralt can make even the dullest of activities fun

It's a very wholesome ending in which everyone lives happily ever after, and could potentially be a launching point for The Witcher 4, but it turns out The Witcher 3 has been hiding an alternate version of this ending for a while. First reported by GamesRadar, a modder by the name of MerigoldMaribor recently discovered several lines of dialogue that appear to have been cut from this ending, and has restored them for all to see.

In a video from YouTube user MasterKing, we can see that Ciri has new voice lines upon seeing the silver sword that Geralt gifts her. Upon removing the sword from its scabbard, Ciri says "A witcher's sword... Swallow", followed up by a very child like...

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