Saber Interactive and Paramount have announced a new AAA action RPG based on Nickelodeon's iconic animation Avatar: The Last Airbender, and the two studios are working in collaboration with Avatar Studios on the project.
According to an IGN report, the project will be part of the Avatar Legends universe and will tell a completely original story, so it won't be adapting either The Last Airbender or The Legend of Korra.
Instead, the game will cast players as an all-new Avatar who's never been seen before in the lore of the show, and it'll take place "thousands of years in the past", according to IGN. That's right; it's a prequel!
A press release given to IGN by Paramount and Saber says players can expect a "vibrant world" from the upcoming Avatar game (no, not that Avatar), as well as the ability to "master all four elements", as you'd expect from an Avatar.
You'll also be able to "engage in dynamic combat alongside companions" and face "the challenges and decisions that come with being the keeper of balance in the world".
The two studios are promising story elements that are, to quote IGN, "both new and familiar to fans of the...