Monster Hunter Wilds is the sixth mainline entry in the beloved series by Capcom. Each successive instalment in the Monster Hunter series is immediately recognisable. The series has a defined style, and Capcom is cognizant of what Monster Hunter fans enjoy and want to see. While each new release brings plenty of fresh, innovative ideas to the series, one aspect of Monster Hunter that remains largely untouched is the series' weapon types.
Monster Hunter currently has fourteen weapon types, with Monster Hunter 4 (2013) being the last mainline entry to add new ones: the charge blade and insect glaive. In an interview with Italian outlet (spotted by GamesRadar+), executive art director Kaname Fujioka and series producer Ryozo Tsujimoto were questioned on whether the team has thought about adding new weapons to Monster Hunter over the last decade. The following response has been machine-translated by Google, so there may be some inaccuracies.
"The truth is, it's something we talk about all the time... all the time," Fujioka replied. "We've never really abandoned the idea of adding new weapon archetypes, we just haven't done it recently, in the last few [games]. The truth is, we have a lot of ideas...