Red Dead Redemption 2 Fan Plays Through The Story With Everyone Constantly Drunk

Red Dead Redemption 2 Fan Plays Through The Story With Everyone Constantly Drunk

From TheGamer (Written by Joshua Robertson) on | OpenCritic

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Red Dead Redemption 2 is a pretty serious experience for the most part, with little sprinklings of fun here and there to make sure you don't ge too depressed as you make your way through the main story. One such mission is 'A Quiet Time', which sees protagonist Arthur Morgan and Lenny have a nice drink in Valentine, only for the pair to get absolutely plastered.

It's a fun mission which managed to attain meme status back when Red Dead Redemption 2 first launched, but have you ever wondered what the world would be like if the entire world was as sozzled as Arthur and Lenny were on that faithful night? Thankfully, we don't have to imagine it any longer, as a Twitch streamer called Blurbs has shared a video of their playthrough of the game in which every character is constantly drunk, even during cutscenes.

After downloading a custom mod that jacked up the alcohol level in every character's bloodstream, Blurbs went about playing through the game as normal to see exactly what kind of carnage would unfold. Turns out, Red Dead Redemption 2 doesn't take it well if its main characters are drunk, and Blurbs' video often sees...

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