Activision Aiming To Remove COD Cheaters Within One Hour

Activision Aiming To Remove COD Cheaters Within One Hour

From TheGamer (Written by Johnny Flores Jr.) on | OpenCritic

Few things are as deflating in a multiplayer game than cheaters and bad actors. With Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 launching next week on October 25, Activision has affirmed that it will do its best to prevent would-be cheaters from ruining the fun of others.

As part of a major info dump, including details on multiplayer, as well as the campaign, Activision has outlined the procedures it will have in place to deal with cheaters. Those procedures include quickly stepping into action the minute something goes awry.

Black Ops 6 is shaping up to be the best COD in years.

First and foremost, Activision states that it will catch and remove cheaters within one hour of them being in a match. To do so, Activision is implementing a measure called "Time to Action," which will monitor its internal progress in relation to achieving its goal.

Ahead of launch, Activision tested out its procedures during Black Ops 6's beta. Per an online post, in Weekend One, cheaters were able to complete roughly 10 multiplayer matches before being removed. By the time Weekend Two rolled around, that number had been shaved down to five. Twenty-five percent of cheaters in Weekend...

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