Remedy Admits They Might Have "Overdid" Alan Wake 2 Jump Scares

Remedy Admits They Might Have "Overdid" Alan Wake 2 Jump Scares

From DualShockers (Written by Alex Co) on | OpenCritic

If you've played Alan Wake 2 (if you haven't, don't worry, this isn't really a spoiler), chances are you've been startled by the flashing images that Remedy sneaks in from time to time showcasing the monsters that populate the game, and sometimes, even Wake himself. There's also the death screen for when the player falls in-game, which takes some getting used to the first few times it happens.

While it's OK to see those stingers occasionally and keeps us on our toes, it does get to be a bit much. Alan Wake 2 game director Kyle Rowley also agrees that it happens too often. In an interview, Rowley mentions how difficult it is for the dev team to balance these little stingers without feeling cheap, though he admits they might have overdone it.

Why Were the Alan Wake 2 Jump Scare Screens Implemented?

According to Rowley, "I feel like we kind of overdid it a little bit looking back. Whenever a new foe is on the prowl, you could be sure they'd pop up to say hello with a horror sting."

But why do it in the first place? Was it for a simple jump scare? It seems it...

See full article at Dualshockers