Team Ico Fans Think Project Robot Character Is A Cyborg

Team Ico Fans Think Project Robot Character Is A Cyborg

From TheGamer (Written by James Troughton) on | OpenCritic

Last week, Team Ico announced a brand-new game called Project Robot in a thrilling but brief reveal teaser that featured an enormous mech decapitating itself to escape a strange, oncoming storm.

Given the patterns on the main character's clothing, it looks like it follows on from Shadow of the Colossus and Ico. But what's really interesting is that they might be a cyborg.

Fumito Ueda and Team ICO are the masters of melancholy in games.

As pointed out by eagle-eyed fans such as Reddit user Few-Opportunity-4947, the protagonist appears to have metal hands and legs, as well as a robotic 'face' (some speculate that it's actually a helmet). They even have what looks like wheels attached to their feet.

Others, such as Reddit user ralg666, note that the protagonist looks like one of Fumito Ueda's old, unused character designs from when they were an art student, which could shed some light on the theory that the new protagonist is a cyborg.

The original design has a much more human face, lending to the idea that the 'robot' head is actually a mask. They also appear to have metal legs and arms, although they look far...