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God is a Geek

3696 games reviewed
76.6 average score
80 median score
56.5% of games recommended

God is a Geek's Reviews

8 / 10.0 - Jazzpunk
Feb 14, 2014

In all likelihood, you won't see everything that Jazzpunk has to offer the first time around. There are zingers tucked away in every nook-and-cranny that will only reveal themselves to you if you want them to. In so many cases, you are the key to the punchline. Without you, the clever quips stay hidden and will remain unearthed until you say so. Jazzpunk invites you to get involved in the comedy and, in many ways, become the butt of the joke. Funnily enough, there actually is a butt joke in there.

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8 / 10.0 - Samurai Gunn
Feb 12, 2014

Samurai Gunn is a prime example of doing more with less. It doesn't have to be over-complicated to be interesting. The great level design, accompanied by charming 8-bit style artwork, an incredible soundtrack and the fact that you need to be very quick-thinking and account for every centimetre of space, really make this a special game in its genre

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Feb 10, 2014

Octodad: Dadliest Catch is a rare beast, then, because it made me laugh out loud the first moment that I ambled down the aisle to meet my doting bride-to-be. Whilst the joke didn't have me splitting my sides with laughter for the entire duration, the shift to a more endearing tale of one sea-dwelling creature's pursuit of a normal life was a welcome one. Octodad: Dadliest Catch is a lovely game, despite its issues.

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8 / 10.0 - Loadout
Feb 8, 2014

Loadout is a game that shows that you don't have to sell your soul to be free-to-play. It's a joy to play, and I can only hope that plenty more people on my Steam friends list decide that they want to download it too. GodisaGeek match day, anyone?

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Feb 5, 2014

My cranium is red raw from tearing strands of hair from my scalp in frustration and I'm sure plenty of others will be bald within an hour of playing The Castle Doctrine. It's a shame that this is the case because there are some interesting options available to players, but the cutthroat design choices are a step too far.

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7 / 10.0 - Unepic
Feb 3, 2014

Originally a PC release, the Wii U is a fine platform for Unepic, and it's another worthwhile addition to the eShop library. It can be quite frustratingly difficult at times, and the constant geeky references to everything from Star Wars to the worlds of Gary Gygax may not sit well with everyone – one particular misfiring side quest involving bureaucrats may be enough to turn off some gamers – but for those who enjoy old school platform action, this generously sized Spanish-crafted effort will be manna from heaven.

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Feb 3, 2014

Despite visualizing my Dungeons and Dragons fantasies amazingly well, Might and Magic X Legacy has too many pitfalls to truly recommend it. Things start off poorly with the information-heavy prologue and get worse with the grid-based open world and poor story. The combat system certainly deserves some plaudits, as do the dungeons and enclosed spaces, but cheap tactics and technical issues even mange to put a downer on these highlights. Hardcore fans of old school western RPG's may have a good time, but the majority will find it confusing and uninspired.

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There's no doubt that Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition is a product of its time, but there's also no doubt that it's an absolute classic of the RPG genre. If you're a fan of classic games, pen and paper Dungeons & Dragons or even just of BioWare in general and want to take a look at some of their first forays into the RPG genre, then you really should be picking up Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition. It can be a little difficult to get used to (I play quite a lot of RPGs and it took me a good chunk of time to get the basic mechanics down) but the story you're treated to, as well as the element of nostalgia, makes the effort utterly worth it.

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As an overall idea, the premise of playing as bit-part characters from the main campaign, and discovering more of their back-story is a clever hook. The way in which the DLC manages to integrate itself into the canon is successful, and makes you excited about who else we might get to play as. Unfortunately there is just too little content and not enough character or story development to recommend Operation Broken Eagle wholeheartedly. As part of the Season Pass, it provides a nice excuse to jump back into Los Perdidos for a few more hours, but I do hope that the forthcoming episodes delve a little deeper into the lives of their protagonists, providing a little more to get your teeth into.

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Jan 27, 2014

Without question, the full retail price is too high for a slightly shinier version of a game you clocked 10 months ago, but if you missed the original release for whatever reason, or even played it back in March last year and really feel it's worth another go around, the Definitive Edition is recommended.

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9 / 10.0 - The Banner Saga
Jan 22, 2014

The Banner Saga is one of the most original games you'll play this year. That such a small team has managed to create a story that will be unique to every player is astonishing, and that the story actually makes you care even more so. Buy this game.

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4 / 10.0 - Dr. Luigi
Jan 22, 2014

Other than the new Operation L and Virus Buster modes, there is little in the way of new content that makes this a better deal than the previous (and cheaper) versions. For up to £5, Dr. Luigi would have been an OK puzzler, but at almost half the cost of a retail Wii U game, the person who decided the price for this retread probably needs some medical observation themselves.

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Jan 21, 2014

Broken Age does a fine job of creating an outlandish world populated by interesting characters, but is let-down somewhat by its core gameplay. The style and story are both very strong and will draw you into the game; sadly however, adventure games are generally concerned with puzzle solving, and the puzzles found in Broken Age just don't test your little grey cells as much as one would like. They are logical and integrated into the game very well, but there is very little challenge to them. Hopefully, this is down to the game looking to get progressively harder as it goes on and Act 2 will be more challenging. As it is, Act 1 feels a little light.

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8 / 10.0 - Nidhogg
Jan 21, 2014

As the years go by, opportunities to shout expletives into the face of someone you call your "friend" become less and less frequent. Nidhogg brings that joy back into your life.

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Jan 16, 2014

We expected big things from the studio behind Mark of the Ninja and Shank, and in Don't Starve, we got them. It's a wonderfully dark survival-craft game with great scope for emergent, unique experiences, even if it will make you rage occasionally. The UI betrays the PC roots and can be a little hard to use on a smaller TV, and there are those who will find Don't Starve just too mean-spirited to fully appreciate, but as an intentionally unforgiving survival sim with a sinister twist, it absolutely excels.

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6 / 10.0 - Violett
Jan 13, 2014

Players are bound to get some fun out of solving the challenging conundrums in Violett, which is a refreshing change from the often far too easy puzzlers we see nowadays, but it simply isn't enough to strongly recommend a title that frustrates more often than not.

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7 / 10.0 - NES Remix
Jan 10, 2014

Although it has flaws, you have to hand it to Nintendo for spicing up their eShop catalogue with something a bit different. Well put together by a developer who have a nice little niche carved out when it comes to this sort of thing, indieszero have made the most of the raw materials that EAD have given them.

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Jan 9, 2014

This game does nothing for the reputation of a series that was already shaken after the departure of Bungie – it would serve Microsoft well to re-focus the Halo franchise purely on what it does best.

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8 / 10.0 - RUSH
Jan 7, 2014

[RUSH] is another fine effort from Two Tribes, who seem to have carved themselves out a nice little niche delivering quality puzzle fare to the Nintendo masses.

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Jan 2, 2014

The difficulty curve is forgiving, although it does ramp up a little more toward the climax, but it never gets close to the levels of irritation that platform games of old managed. The control input method may be difficult for some, but once you get used to it, it becomes second nature and even the fastest sections won't be too demanding. Max may have been sneaked out earlier than we expected, but it's a little gem that could easily be over-looked, but will reward gamers who invest their time in it.

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