Daily Dot's Reviews
The streets of Kamurocho have never been more beautiful, but the story disappoints.
While only one episode in, I feel fully invested in where The Walking Dead goes from here.
It's this mix of chaotic misery and joy that makes Overcooked 2 a dish best served bold.
A layer of masterful polish make the never-ending loop of Dead Cell's gameplay a joy to behold.
Fans of puzzle-platformers will find plenty to love in this adorable indie.
Mothergunship is irresistible, fresh, and fun as hell
Jurassic World Evolution certainly embraces the liveliness of its prehistoric creatures, but it never really captures the childlike spirit of Jurassic Park.
Nintendo's latest RPG isn't groundbreaking in any way, but argues for its existence with wholly compelling action.
For a world that seems to so enthusiastically encourage players to always stay on their toes, it's supremely frustrating to see a game so often bungle it for you.
Labo has me thinking about what else is possible with the Switch and, impressively, managed to make the console feel even more amazing.
Full of genuine surprises, thrilling action, and emotionally grounded in almost every moment, this God of War is easily the best entry in a long series that had no right to reinvent itself so well.
Far Cry 5 takes all the things this series does best, and blends them together in the most cohesive package yet.
Sorry, Detective. Maybe your story will turn out better on the big screen.
There are intimations of an interesting story in Metal Gear Survive, as well as a handful of creative moments within the FOX Engine. But overall, the game feels incredibly average, and seeing it through to the end quickly becomes a chore.
When Fe presents you with a problem, your first, or even second idea to get past it probably won't work. Instead, the game encourages you to seek out help, and better yourself and the world around you before you can continue. The experience is meditative and relaxing, with no real combat, and Fe feels unlike anything else because of it.
While this PS4 remake might not be the best way ever to experience Team Ico's timeless classic, it offers players old and new an experience that simply can't be replicated anywhere else.
Uncomfortable microtransactions and questionable changes completely ruin a faithful, fun Star Wars experience.
The latest Pokémon games are little more than a refined remake of last year's excellent outing.
Odyssey is best experienced with its secrets preserved, and the less you know about going in, the better. Even if you think you know what to expect in this globe-trotting journey, you're going to find plenty you didn't expect, and something new to love.
Fire Emblem and Dynasty Warriors come together in a game that ties tactics to crowd control.