Daily Dot's Reviews
For fans, there are plenty of surprises to uncover and tons of references to even the most obscure episodes of the show. Thanks to a strong level of personalization coupled with South Park's distinct atmosphere, The Fractured But Whole makes wandering around the faithfully recreated and detailed map of the town a constant delight.
Some of the mechanics and gameplay tropes will be familiar to anyone who has played modern indie platformers, but the unique quirks presented here are among the best in recent memory.
You'll always need a stronger gun or a better piece of equipment, and that hunt defines the reason you're likely to keep playing Destiny 2 long after the story ends.
Hey! Pikmin is a delightful—but unchallenging—side-scrolling adventure.
Although this sequel lacks the inspiration of its predecessor, the Splatoon experience has never been better.
There is something great at the core of Dead By Daylight, past the mindless action controls and nagging glitches. The game is far from unplayable, but the persistent problems make it impossible to recommend for people who plan to play alone.
Overall, ARMS is a solid foundation for a game of its kind. Nintendo has already confirmed post-launch support in the form of new fighters, stages, and modes. With simple menus and bright colors, the presentation here is immaculate. After playing over 30 hours of ARMS, it is hard not to be excited to see where the community grows from here. Still, players need to understand that they are coming in on the ground level of an experimental fighting game that will only feel more rewarding as time goes on.
Injustice 2 gives ample reason to check back almost daily, whether to strengthen an individual character or progress your guild's reputation. With a solid story mode and comprehensive tutorials, it never once feels like the fighting mechanics are too difficult to grasp. While it may not be the most technically impressive or competitive fighting game ever made, Injustice 2 surely is one of the most accessible and difficult to put down.
Prey is an excellent, atmospheric shooter that'll get under your skin
Overall, this is a game of inconsistent highs and lows. The simple joy of interacting with a colorful, childish world serves to remind us of a different time for video games. But when stuttering camera angles send you plummeting off a high platform, the lack of polish is painfully obvious. Further patches and updates might be able to salvage the solid foundation that Yooka-Laylee is built on, but in its current state, it does little more than present a charming love letter to its predecessors.
Snake Pass is a welcome twist on puzzle-platforming
Has-Been Heroes is a challenging and charming indie adventure
In many ways, this new chapter fails to live up to its predecessors.
There is always something new to discover, but at your own pace. Somehow, the adventure never loses momentum over dozens of hours of exploration, the inspired design holds up, making for an unmistakable Zelda game that completely changes everything expected from the series.
Though Horizon doesn't represent a revolution in open-world adventures, it borrows heavily from past success stories and elevates the genre to a beautiful new standard.
Resident Evil 7 is the close-quarters fright fest that suspense junkies crave
In its finished form, the game tells a story with uncompromising vision and engrossing emotional heft. The resulting experience comes off as delicately prepared, and the mythical nature of the game's development only enhances the fantastical tale at its core.
Final Fantasy XV overcomes its narrative lows with gameplay highs that consume the player's time with engrossing optional quests and frenetic battles. As a whole, it does not represent the best in the series, but it delivers just enough to deserve a place in the mainline series, which is an achievement for a game that originated as a Final Fantasy XIII spin-off.
Protagonist and his gang are full of personality, and the missions are gratifying stealth puzzles.
As the latest entries in a series that has been accused of growing tired, Sun and Moon comprise a complete Pokémon package that welcomes change but still provides the same thrills fans have come to love.