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The Outerhaven Productions

812 games reviewed
76.7 average score
80 median score
64.9% of games recommended

The Outerhaven Productions's Reviews

Jun 10, 2020

Disintegration is the effort of combing a First Person Shooter and an RTS together, something that has been tried in the base with moderate success. Here, V1 Interactive takes the concept one step further with several new ideas, yet ultimately aren't all fleshed out. I'm looking forward to seeing if and how the developer will correct these concerns in either a DLC or the follow-up to the game.

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If the zany story started in Mortal Kombat 11 was the main course, then Aftermath is the dessert that makes the entire ordeal completely worthwhile. Not only do we get an epic conclusion, but also three new characters to play with and several amazing stages. Sure it may be a bit overpriced, but if there's one thing to be said here, it's that Netherrealm Studios really has mastered their craft, both with the storytelling and with crafting an enjoyable fighting title.

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May 11, 2020

Sakura Wars is a flawed action game but incredibly satisfying visual novel. It warmed my heart and compelled me to keep playing despite its shortcomings as an action game.

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Money aside, Street Fighter V: Championship Edition doesn’t do much to fix a long list of problems that the fighting game community has pointed out about this game since the beginning and doesn’t look like they’ll do anything about it either. Long term fans will know to avoid this like the plague, diehards would have all of the content already at triple the price, and newcomers are smart for waiting out to buy this game cheap.

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Apr 29, 2020

It took 23 years, but I'm happy to say that Streets of Rage is back and then some. The gameplay is reminiscent of games of the past while bringing in new mechanics that push the game further. Thanks to the insight from the developers, there's still plenty to do after the game has been beaten, which ensures players will be picking up the controls for a long time. I couldn't have asked for a better follow-up to the classic series. All that's needed now is for the online components to be fixed and this is will be perfect in my opinion.

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Fans of Remnant from the Ashes will finally have a reason to revisit the title with the addition of the new survival mode, and the revamped Corsus region. While the quality of life changes improve on an otherwise fantastic experience and give melee a much-needed boost. Oh, and Apocalypse will consume you.

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Confession time, I've never fully played the original Final Fantasy VII. Yet Final Fantasy VII Remake kept me engaged through inventive combat, great world-building, and an approach to narrative that made me care about these characters that most players probably grew fond of over 20 years ago. Midgar is a delight to visit in all of its fully realized glory, with tons of areas to explore and even more things to do in it. In finding the balance between tradition and innovation, the game walks a delicate line. While it sometimes stumbles, it otherwise pulls it off elegantly.

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Saints Row IV Re-Elected brings another Saints Row adventure to the Switch, and it honestly does hold up for the most part. So step up to the Presidency…and go kick some alien butt!

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Apr 5, 2020

Resident Evil 3 is a solid remake, it looks and feels fresh compared to the original. But when you take a look at the much better Resident Evil 2 you notice that the time and care taken with the two games is much different thus creating a very different experience from the previous game.

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Apr 4, 2020

Persona 5 Royal is easily the definitive version of the fifth Persona game. Other than the obscenely high runtime, every single enhancement made to the original Persona 5 game adds to the experience in purposeful and fantastic ways.

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Mar 31, 2020

Dreams is an incredible experience that's constantly growing and making the effort to include the player.

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Mar 26, 2020

Prepare for the experience of your life in the best VR game yet from legendary Developers Valve. Valve have taken all their innovative ideas that they've kept bottle up for years and finally unleashed them unto the world.

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Mar 23, 2020

Rip and tear until it's done in what is by far the best 1st person shooter out right now. id Software took all the good bits from Doom 2016 and expanded on them in the most glorious way possible. A must-play shooter of this generation.

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Mar 22, 2020

This game is fun, challenging, and highly addicting! The systems are very simple and straight-forward but even though there isn’t much variety to the weapons or gear, the stats on them and the different builds you can do with them offer a lot of depth. There’s still enough to suit different playstyles giving you even more variety and control over things.

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Granblue Fantasy Versus is the new fighting game from Arc System Works that is beautifully basic at first glance but has a lot hidden under the hood. Highly recommended for the fighting game fan, both casual and veterans a like.

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A simple Zombie game to sit back and relax to while you split heads open like overripe watermelons, what's not to love?

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Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection offers up six great games and enough challenges and extra content to keep you coming back for me. The inclusion of a casual mode and save assist feature helps new players experience the games that they may not have had a chance to do before.

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Feb 25, 2020

There are things to like about it, and I didn’t hate every minute of the 5 hours I put into it to get through the first 2 worlds, but I don’t see myself wanting to rejoin Thomas and Carlie on their quest to gather the rest of Thomas’ missing postage.

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Cindered Shadows confirmed what I'd been thinking for a while now. I want the next Fire Emblem game to take place in Fodlan, either a prequel or a sequel. Three Houses' world has been expertly crafted and I'm just not ready to leave it. Not even close.

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Feb 6, 2020

Kunai is a cutesy Metroidvania title with lots of action, enjoyable gameplay and is a hell of a fun time. Sadly, the game ends way too soon, as I found myself lusting for more. A solid attempt by Turtleblaze and I'll be looking forward to their next project.

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