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Game Informer

1687 games reviewed
78.0 average score
80 median score
55.9% of games recommended

Game Informer's Reviews

May 26, 2020

The first few hours are a treat, and the late game has a nice element of experimentation. Unfortunately, its flaws balloon during the lengthy middle stretch.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Deep Rock Galactic
May 26, 2020

A fantastic cooperative experience that delves deep into one narrow corner of fantasy tropes – the dwarven love of hard work and pretty rocks.

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8 / 10.0 - Maneater
May 22, 2020

Maneater is weird, different, and just flat-out fun. I had to see where this story was going, and I thoroughly enjoyed its developments

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7.3 / 10.0 - Pong Quest
May 18, 2020

While unique twists on the Pong formula make battles enjoyable at first, the repetition quickly wears on the experience

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May 13, 2020

I enjoy this game for what it does on both the casual and hardcore fronts, which is not an easy line to walk.

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May 4, 2020

The narrative captures your attention in the opening seconds and keeps you engrossed until the credits roll

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6.5 / 10.0 - Moving Out
Apr 30, 2020

Moving Out is clearly inspired by Overcooked's chaotic co-op, but its inconsistent controls add a layer of aggravation likely to test friendships, marriages, and parent-child relationships

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8 / 10.0 - Sakura Wars
Apr 30, 2020

Sakura Wars is not perfect, but it is a delightfully charming experience. Between the sweet bonding moments and high-stakes battles, there's plenty to cheer for.

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Apr 29, 2020

Streets of Rage 4 is a fun stroll down memory lane, but it doesn't have enough depth to completely pull players in

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8 / 10.0 - MotoGP 20
Apr 28, 2020

The curves come at you fast, but if you get into a rhythm you can unlock a rewarding racing experience.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Gears Tactics
Apr 27, 2020

Inject some much-needed adrenaline and storytelling into the tactics milieu, even if the campaign wears out its welcome

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Apr 27, 2020

Hunting Grounds sets the table for thrilling cat-and-mouse battles or embarrassing farces; the quality of each match is ultimately up to players. When everyone's dialed into their roles, it's a lot of fun

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Apr 23, 2020

Chimera Squad's action remains incredibly rich, but the slightly repetitive combat mars the overall thrill

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7.8 / 10.0 - Trials of Mana
Apr 22, 2020

This action/RPG excels in its fast-paced combat and intense boss battles, but a few frustrating elements ruin the enjoyment

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7.3 / 10.0 - A Fold Apart
Apr 17, 2020

A Fold Apart is refreshing in its approach to puzzles and how it explores its themes, but it never pushes beyond that into something truly memorable or satisfying

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Apr 6, 2020

Final Fantasy VII Remake finds a satisfying balance between innovation and tradition, delivering flashy battles and fun systems mixed with nods for old-school fans

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Apr 3, 2020

Innovative mechanics make a strong first impression, but the action, music, and bombastic tone of the narrative all wear thin after a few hours

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6.8 / 10.0 - Bleeding Edge
Mar 31, 2020

Bleeding Edge is engaging for a few hours and then heavy repetition sinks in

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6.3 / 10.0 - In Other Waters
Mar 31, 2020

In Other Waters succeeds more as an exercise in world building than as an exciting adventure game

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9 / 10.0 - Resident Evil 3
Mar 30, 2020

This is another spectacular remake for the series, and Nemesis is an imposing enemy who relentlessly chases you throughout the game.

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