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Gaming Gamma

93 games reviewed
78.9 average score
80 median score
84.9% of games recommended

Gaming Gamma's Reviews

Sep 2, 2016

In conclusion this game just has too many problems to be recommended to anybody unfortunately. What started off as a good and entertaining time just became a race to finish the game as fast as possible to get away from it. The game certainly has cool ideas but there’s way more negatives than positives; with the worst of it all being that the Vita has so many DRPGs on it already – some of them being the best DRPGs ever made. For this one to come out after them just feels like wasted potential.

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Aug 26, 2016

Project Diva X is another great entry in the franchise where it’s easy to pick up and play but harder difficulties will certainly test your limits. It’s a fun and cutesy experience that’s just full of energy.

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Aug 19, 2016

Overall, Metroid Prime Federation fails to give a truly atmospheric experience due to its presentation being held back by the art style they chose. The gameplay more than makes up for the downsides and is definitely worth getting if you’re looking for a fun experience.

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Jul 26, 2016

At the end of the day, Fairy Fencer Advent Dark Force is a must-have for fans of the Hyperdimension Neptunia series, or JRPG fans wanting to find a good game to invest into. People who have already played the original Fairy Fencer will find plenty more to do in this version of the game and is worth double dipping for sure.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Grand Kingdom
Jul 11, 2016

In all, this game is absolutely great in terms of design. Its story-telling can get a little weak at points, but just how deep these mechanics can go and ultimately build into each other is almost perfect.

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Jul 7, 2016

For JRPG enthusiasts looking for a great challenge, and a surprisingly deep yet simple story, I can fully recommend this game to you. This game will have you on your toes, as you plot your way through battle making you think of many different strategies to overcome your foes. And with the many different ways you can play this game, the game truly becomes an example of your destination always being the same, but the path you take to get there can be different each and every time.

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Jun 29, 2016

At the end of the day, this is an absolutely fantastic game that’s only bogged down by its animations. However, at the same time, this is a wonderful example of where the technical problem they couldn’t get down doesn’t harm the enjoyment of the whole. What does harm the game’s overall enjoyment is just how lost one might be if they didn’t go through the previous games. Even so, while this potentially ends the franchise with a weird bang, it’s a bang nonetheless.

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May 21, 2016

Overall, Valkyria Chronicles Remastered is a phenomenal game. I have no real complaints about this game at all, every minor grievance I had I was able to overlook due to how well this game is strung together. My only regret is that I never played this game sooner.

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MegaTagmension Blanc+Neptune Vs. Zombies is a very solid first attempt from Compile Heart at a multiplayer Neptunia game. While I cannot recommend this game to people who are not already fans of the series this game is a fun addition to the Neptunia series and fans will get a good laugh out of the charm and wit of the story while beating up hordes of zombies as their favorite characters.

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Feb 8, 2016

Megadimension Neptunia Victory II is the best game in the Hyperdimension Neptunia series to date. I can easily recommend this game to any and all PS4 owners who are JRPG fans, or people who never really got into Neptunia and wanted to give it another go.

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Nov 14, 2015

The game strays away from everything that makes an Animal Crossing game Animal Crossing, and it fails as an interesting party game. As a person who grew up with Animal Crossing, this game was nothing but heartbreak seeing what one of my most favorite video game franchises of all time has become.

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Sep 22, 2015

Overall, Persona 4 Dancing All Night is an excellent send off for the Persona 4 cast as we venture into Persona 5. Despite the game having only 26 tracks, the game makes up for it with its enticing story, and the ability to play each song in several different ways adds a lot of replay value to each individual song.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Lost Dimension
Jul 27, 2015

Overall, Lost Dimension was an unexpected treat, and is definitely a hidden gem on the Vita and PS3. The game looks really good; however, there were times were I was experiencing slowdowns when there were a lot of enemies on screen. Once you get past the loading times and the shallow voting process for the traitor, you have a very well-crafted hidden gem that is the combination between visual novel and TRPG that you didn’t think you needed.

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