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1250 games reviewed
77.6 average score
80 median score
59.0% of games recommended

GameSpace's Reviews

May 3, 2017

Overall What Remains of Edith Finch is a masterfully executed story and experience. If you are looking for an intriguing story to take an active part in and experience this is a great game to check out. I know I’ll be thinking about this game and going back to it to look closer at various aspects for a long time to come and is well worth anyone’s time.

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7 / 10.0 - GNOG
May 2, 2017

However, despite my gripes, I’m holding out for more Gnoggins to build on that short PS4 experience, especially with Steam and iOS launches planned for later in the year. If KO_OP decide to include additional game modes and more puzzles to solve, GNOG could become a real head-turner.

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8 / 10.0 - KAMIKO
May 1, 2017

Each level has its own theme, its own puzzles that teach you what to expect with the final boss, and in the end, I couldn't help but feel satisfied by Kamiko even if I wanted more. Few games these days are up front and honest about their value. Even with its short playtime, I'd have paid more for Kamiko because it's so expertly made. I can only hope we get a sequel or something equally excellent from developer SKIPMORE and soon.

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9 / 10.0 - MLB 17: The Show
Apr 28, 2017

This is America’s Pastime still, even if its status as such has taken a backseat to the NBA and NFL. And when it comes to the video game form, MLB The Show 17 is the best baseball has ever been.

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8.8 / 10.0 - Little Nightmares
Apr 28, 2017

One of the other joys of Little Nightmares is Tarsier did a great job of instilling a sense of dread and foreboding throughout the game without really employing a lot of the standard horror tropes. There’s no real gore in the game and precious few jump scares; instead, there are environments disturbingly covered in what appears to be blood, creatures which have apparently killed themselves, some extremely creepy monsters to avoid, and a brilliant soundscape.

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Matt Keith
Apr 27, 2017

Overall Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 is a slightly below average shooter. It does have tight controls, some solid RPG elements in the form of load outs, weapon unlocks, etc and gunplay does feel satisfying. Sadly, however, the title never realizes its full potential and we are left with some mediocre systems and ideas that are never fleshed out. If you like a ‘slow, thinking person’s shooter’ that rewards patience and planning, it might be worth your time, but understand that you’re in for a lather, rinse, repeat type of game that ultimately uses systems and ideas that have been better developed and implemented in other titles.

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Apr 27, 2017

Overall, Flatout 4 is an admirable resurrection of a franchise once considered on par with Burnout. Thing is, that sort of game has become passe in the age of realism, and it’s unlikely that Flatout 4 is going to bring it back to the forefront of racing games. Still, if like me, you miss these sort of non-serious racing and crashing extravaganzas, you’re not likely going to be disappointed in Flatout 4. It’s a bit of a dinosaur, sure – but I wouldn’t turn away a Stegosaur if I saw one either.

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7 / 10.0 - Scanner Sombre
Apr 26, 2017

By the end of the game, you’ll wonder where the last 90 minutes evaporated so quickly, but you won’t wish you had them back. Scanner Sombre is an excellently unique adventure, that builds layer upon layer or intrigue and trepidation as you inch towards the surface. About halfway through, Introversion telegraphs the ending, and if there’s any real fault to this palate cleanser it’s that you wind up able to guess how the game will conclude before you actually get there – a cardinal sin for a one-time-through story.

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Apr 25, 2017

Dragon Quest Heroes II is successful in carrying the torch from where the first entry in the franchise ended. Heres II has enough improvements over previous systems to make it feel more like an RPG and less like a game focused solely on hack ‘n’ slash. Unfortunately, the characters didn’t click for me the same way they did with the first entry. If you are looking for some button mashing fun though you’ll find it aplenty in this game.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Old Time Hockey
Apr 25, 2017

Overall, Old Time Hockey does need some polish in terms of play. Also, we wish there was an online mode so people could match up all over the world. The controls have that retro feel and the gameplay is easy for anyone to pick up. Plus, you can play on the couch with friends and drink while you’re at it. The price is right for this game though coming in at $11.99 it is a pretty good deal.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Outlast II
Apr 24, 2017

Forgiving a story that leans a bit too heavily on its forebears, Outlast 2 is an excellent horror game. It’s frightening, repulsive, and filled with the thrilling anxiety of the best games of its type. It does exactly what a sequel should. It delivers on all of the refinements and expansions you would expect to find three years from the original; and though its larger environments sometimes lead to repeated deaths, they also amplify the dread of being hunted. Outlast 2 made me uncomfortable, anxious, repulsed and frightened, and yet I couldn’t wait to see what it would deliver next. That’s a horror game done right.

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8 / 10.0 - Puyo Puyo Tetris
Apr 24, 2017

If you’re at all a fan of either game, or if you want your family to have something they can play easily together – there’s no doubt you should look into Puyo Puyo Tetris. I’m a little miffed that the physical version on Switch costs $40 when the digital versions are $30, so keep that in mind. Puyo Puyo Tetris is the first Tetris (and Puyo Puyo) game in ages that feels worth a purchase, and it’s recommended for any Switch owner looking to diversify their game catalog.

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There’s something innately fun about this brand of Guardians, and TellTale was right to capitalize on both the recent films and the comics lore. There’s a very deft story being told, and one that’s definitely got a few unexpected turns even after one episode. Side note, I also really appreciate the stellar soundtrack and that every episode title is another fantastic song title. The question is whether or not it can carry this momentum and give us as satisfying a conclusion as we received with the Batman series. If so, someone please give TellTale more comics to make games with.

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Apr 20, 2017

All in all Full Throttle is an enjoyable, yet short experience. I beat the game in approximately 5 hours. If you are a fan of point and click adventure games, then you owe it to yourself to play Full Throttle. It’s one of the classics of the genre, and the new remastered version is the best way to experience it.

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Apr 18, 2017

Still if you’re a fan of unique manga, action combat like you might find in the Naruto console games, and PS2 era JRPGs, you’ll probably enjoy yourself. This is a valiant effort, and belies a studio that’s worth watching in the future.

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Apr 18, 2017

With gorgeously rendered animated visuals, an instrumental recreation of the 8-bit soundtrack, and some truly compelling Metroidvania mechanics, Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap is just as good a game today as it was decades ago.

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Ed Orr
9 / 10.0 - The Sexy Brutale
Apr 17, 2017

Despite this minor frustration, I was utterly enthralled by The Sexy Brutale. The exaggerated characters and isometric art breathes a kind of life into point and click mysteries that leaves other members of the same genre feeling listless and two dimensional. Puzzles prove themselves to be entirely accessible for newcomers, and the script is just fantastic. Take a gamble. Try The Sexy Brutale and if the house wins, just go back and try again.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Persona 5
Apr 14, 2017

I could nitpick about small issues, like some textures that are painfully blurry or a handful of quirky localization issues. Those issues fade into the periphery, however. What doesn’t is simply this: Persona 5 is a triumph of game design that stands apart from other JRPGs. RPG fans owe it to themselves to drop what they’re doing and play now. You won’t regret it.

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Apr 14, 2017

Ultimately, if you are a console player, Blackwood Crossing is a nice little game with a decent set of controls. For PC players, while I dearly love the game (and I DO), I would recommend waiting for a patch that will hopefully address some of the woefully bad controls. Once that’s done, it’s a game you won’t want to miss.

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7 / 10.0 - The Wild Eternal
Apr 13, 2017

Ilsanjo has done an admirable job making a memorable, if short game. Most people, unless they get lost, will finish the experience in about 6-8 hours, and that's not bad considering the $15-20 price-tag. I won't say The Wild Eternal is very replayable, as once you've gone from front to back of this little tale, the surprise and wonder of exploring is pretty much spent. That said, there are few games as peaceful, meaningful, and reflective as The Wild Eternal. So if you're looking for a title to chill out with as you learn some life lessons, give this one a shot.

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