The Bitbag's Reviews
Nex Machina is a brilliant bullet hell shooter that should please fans of the seemingly niche genre. It’s beautiful, fast-paced and incredibly challenging, like any good shooter should be, with local co-op to boot. The game might be too difficult at times, but it’s worth a try for anyone curious about it.
Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 preserves, more than innovate, the series' quality. If you liked the game's predecessors, there's simply more content you can enjoy in this entry.
Simply put, Injustice 2 is a landmark title and should be the blueprint for other fighting games to follow. The Multiverse mode and RPG-style gear are great for those that like playing the game solo, while online play is readily available for multiplayer fans. Adding the fun story, amazing visuals and accessible fighting system, it’s clear that this is a fighting game everyone should try.
Horizon Zero Dawn manages to turn all the good qualities from well-known titles into an enjoyable and finely polished experience. However, it doesn’t provide anything new for those burned out from playing triple-A games.
Setting aside its short length and awkward controls, Little Nightmares is a brilliant and memorable game that that deserves to be played by horror and platformer fans.
Persona 5 is definitely a great game to pick up this 2017. Its attention-catching, stylish visuals and interesting systems make it enjoyable even to non-JRPG players.
Final Fantasy 15 Episode Gladiolus is a short and decent story expansion that brings an engaging new combat system. The same can’t be said for its story as it brings nothing new to the table.
Yakuza 0 is part Japanese soap opera crime drama, part over the top action brawler, and part comedy filler. All of these three elements pleasantly allowed me to soak in which aspect I like most at my own pace, making my 90 hours playthrough fun, memorable, and varied.
NieR Automata is a great hack-and-slash that manages to stuff so much content and gameplay styles in one package. Open world exploration isn’t the best, but the whole experience makes up for the sum of its parts.
Team Ninja’s Nioh is definitely a more stylish, proactive, and traditionally Japanese cousin of the Souls series. The game has definitely defied expectations through being more than the “Souls” game that people thought it would be.
The Onion Knights is far from a bad game, but it isn’t a good one either.
The Last Guardian certainly feels like a masterpiece that will gamers will look back to. While it might not be everyone's cup of tea, it's a unique game that that everyone should try to experience.
The sheer amount of content in the game is staggering, adding plenty of replay value. However, the flaws of the game are too apparent to ignore. Overall, it's a fun time for fans of the anime and MMO titles, but it's not a perfect game.