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Daily Mirror

438 games reviewed
76.7 average score
80 median score
70.0% of games recommended

Daily Mirror's Reviews

Daily Mirror
Eugene Sowah
Jun 14, 2021

There are a few mechanics that would've been nice to see in action though. Offline mode does need a few more modes for players to sink their teeth in. However, Strive hit the nail on the head in most departments and is a must-have for any fans of the genre

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Jun 12, 2021

There really wasn't a dull moment in this game with each adrenaline-packed level sending chills down my spine. There may prove to be a little too much chaos at times making it hard to ascertain what's actually happening but that's an oversight. My main issue is the length of the game which was bittersweet but left me wanting more. Mighty Goose's punchy pixel visuals matched with its marvellous action makes it one of the best indie games out at the moment.

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The Ninja Gaiden game was always a joy to play and this time around is no different. Even though there haven't been many changes to the overall experience, having all three games and DLC rolled into one is a sheer joy. Players who missed this series should definitely pick this up as it's one of the best games in the hack and slash genre. The omission of the online co-op will displease hardcore fans however I think this can be easily overlooked as being able to have all three games on a portable console is the winning factor here.

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Jun 11, 2021

Game Builder Garage attempts to turn a scary and complex task like programming into something easy and fun with its simple mechanics, clever design and bags of personality. While it can feel frustratingly restrictive at times (especially in the beginning) and the tutorials don’t so much hand hold but grab on tight with no intention of letting you go, they do make it a playful and charming experience.

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Insomniac Games have once again delivered an astonishingly well-made adventure which undoubtedly offers plenty to Ratchet & Clank veterans while acting as a perfect stand-alone entry point for newbies. It doesn't really do anything revolutionary, but what it does do, it does with fantastic production values, attention to detail and a never-ending sense of fun. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is a brilliant example of a classic formula refined to a point of near perfection.

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Jun 5, 2021

Jin Conception is a great concept but the initial gameplay may scare gamers off. Nonetheless, players who stick to it will be rewarded with a long adventure that spans around 20 hours to complete. There are some very nice ideas presented here but not all of them hit the mark, with a few bugs that also hindered my experience. However, for all its flaws Jin Conception isn't a bad game, with the visuals and music being great throughout with some of the game's mechanics improving as you progress.

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May 21, 2021

Knockout City is a fresh take in the sphere of competitive gaming that takes a simple idea and runs with it leaving for some incredibly memorable online encounters though not necessarily for all the right reasons.

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May 13, 2021

The stunning visuals, UI streamlining and great voice performances mean that Famicom Detective Club can stand toe to toe with any contemporary visual novels. Let's hope more forgotten gems are localised and released. I'm looking at you Mother 3.

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May 11, 2021

New Pokemon Snap is worth its twenty-two years wait. Developers kept what made the original game great but have added extra layers that have greatly improve the experience. The repetitive nature of the game may not be for everyone, with some finding it a slog to complete the game. However, I feel there is enough variation and depth here to warrant its lengthy play. New Pokemon Snap is a great addition to the Nintendo Switch that combines the warm nostalgia of the N64 classic while offering what all good sequels should, a compelling experience for fans and newcomers alike.

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May 6, 2021

Sometimes things get a bit too far fetched even for a Resi title, which has the unfortunate side effect of momentarily undermining the otherwise well-crafted horror atmosphere. However, Resident Evil Village remains an outstanding slice of survival horror that carries the series' torch in grand fashion.

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Daily Mirror
Eugene Sowah

Trails of Cold Steel IV is a huge game with so much content for players to consume, a lot of the features do require players to have experienced past games. However Trails of Cold Steel IV is a well executed final entry in an amazing JPRG series, the writers have done an amazing job to include characters from different games seamlessly. Fans of the series are certainly in for a wild ride with this one. Some of the gaming mechanics and systems may be daunting for first time players but it's a highly recommended JPRG that fans of the genre should experience.

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Apr 29, 2021

While the PS5 has hinted at its power with the odd excellent remake and some impressive cross-gen titles, Returnal genuinely feels like the first truly fresh title designed for a new generation of hardware. Gorgeous graphics, intelligent controls and an astounding level of immersion combine to create an atmospheric thriller that wouldn't have been possible on older hardware. The game is tough, but every failed loop is a lesson learned, a push to do better and a pull to uncover more of the game's plot.

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The Mysterious Trilogy Deluxe Pack is great for original fans and newcomers, all the added DLC and new features really improve the overall experience in each of the games. They all have something different to offer, that will satisfy different types of players. Like previous Atelier games the synthesising system is very daunting and can be confusing for newcomers. The game does try to explain the system but I feel it needs a much more detailed tutorial for players to understand all the ins and outs. But players shouldn't give the games a miss as they are great JRPGs to add to your collections.

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Apr 27, 2021

Smelter is a fun action packed game with plenty of depth to keep players engaged for a while. The combat system is intuitive and works a charm with the level design actually presenting a challenge rather than just being superficial. However I do wish the developers focused more on these parts of the game and minimise the real time strategy sections which felt like drawn out mini games. Saying that Smelter is a well devised indie game filled with witty dialogue and stellar action to match.

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Apr 20, 2021

The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark is a gloriously retro nostalgia fix for those who love point and click games. But for those who have never played them before, it's a brilliant introduction to the genre. A Fumble in the Dark is light-hearted, hilarious and often devious when it comes to the game's puzzles. But don't panic – you may get stuck from time to time but the solutions are usually fiendishly simple. A game that rewards thinking outside the box, The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark brings back so many wonderful gaming memories. If you know how to use a rubber-chicken-with-a-pulley-in-the-middle, then you're going to love it.

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Mar 29, 2021

Narita Boy is definitely one of the best looking indie platformers I've ever seen with it's unique art style and captivating music. It's neo-retro style mixed with religious themes make it unlike anything that's on the market today. The emphasis on combat shows with its well worked mechanics and engaging system. However Narita Boy does leave you wanting more from its exploration and platforming parts. But I did enjoy my time with Narita Boy and it's definitely one to pick up.

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Mar 26, 2021

Monster Hunter Rise is an amazing game and probably one of the best titles on the Nintendo Switch. Veterans of the series may feel there is more emphasis on the action elements of the game compared to previous entries, but I feel that the game does well to balance the RPG elements with the action. The few other tweaks made to Monster Hunter Rise are fully welcomed as they don't take away what made previous titles great making it one of the best games in the series.

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Daily Mirror
Eugene Sowah

Pyra may be powerful, but being slow means that players will need to be in the right place at the right time for the majority of her attacks to be effective. Plus most of her attacks have too much risk if she fails to land them. On the other hand Mythra will provide the much needed flexibility and coverage but players will have a difficult time knocking other fighters out. Mythra and Pyra are amazing additions to the Super Smash Bros Ultimate roster, the sheer size of their move list will be an instant attraction for players looking for a new main, as the different strategies to be discovered with this duo could be endless.

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Mar 1, 2021

Bravely Default II to its core is what fans should expect from a well devised JRPG, with the depth of customisation and a stellar battle system combining for an enthralling experience. Only to be matched by its engaging script and blissful music making this a must have for Nintendo Switch owners. Saying that newcomers to the series or JRPGs in general may find Bravely Default II a bit too difficult and demanding, especially with the bosses dishing out defeats left, right and centre.

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Daily Mirror
Eugene Sowah
Feb 20, 2021

Persona 5 and Royal have established themselves as JRPG heavyweights, so fans and critics might have found it slightly odd not to follow the same winning formula. However, Persona 5 Strikers is a great follow up to the series and one of the best games developed by Omega Force. Even though it feels more of a spin off than a full sequel to Persona 5's epic story, fans and newcomers will enjoy this new direction with a decent narrative, nice changes to the original mechanics whilst remaining faithful to its JRPG roots. Persona 5 Strikers will be released for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC on February 23

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