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Nindie Spotlight

4039 games reviewed
70.8 average score
70 median score
43.2% of games recommended

Nindie Spotlight's Reviews

Nov 26, 2020

Conversions from the mobile space are always a bit of a tricky thing to review on a full-fledged gaming console like the Switch, too often lacking the depth of play to justify not just getting and enjoying them on your phone...

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6.1 / 10.0 - Arrog
Nov 26, 2020

There's something very personal about games that are hand-drawn coming from single developers or even very small teams...

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Nov 25, 2020

While they don't necessarily come along on as regular a basis as I'd like, co-op multiplayer games have actually become quite well-represented on the Switch and feature a variety of feels ranging from pretty casual to some higher degrees of intensity as well...

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Nov 24, 2020

Having never really seen the appeal of packing into an arena to witness the over-the-top smashing, bashing, and ear-splitting volume of monster truck madness games trying to bring the experience home have typically fallen flat for me...

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Nov 24, 2020

As a kid I never owned one of those pretty cool wooden train sets that would allow you to connect sections of track and then run your train over them but I remember playing with them at daycare or perhaps church and enjoying myself with them...

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6.6 / 10.0 - Micetopia
Nov 20, 2020

Metroidvanias in the vein of classics from the 8 and 16-bit eras have become pretty common over the years on Switch, so in order to really break away from the crowd it can take a fair amount of effort...

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The classic side-scrolling platformer is a cornerstone of gaming, and obviously on a console that's home to Mario Nintendo fans are well acquainted with some of the best titles in the genre out there...

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7.5 / 10.0 - Unreal Life
Nov 19, 2020

Starting out as a young woman woken up with the aid of an AI-driven talking traffic light, disoriented, and apparently without any recollection of who or where you are, Unreal Life certainly comes out of the gate a bit weird...

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Bridge construction games have become a subgenre of the physics puzzle game persuasion that has had an interesting degree of staying power...

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7 / 10.0 - Cake Bash
Nov 19, 2020

There’s always something a bit entertaining about games that mix cuteness with a little bit of mean brutality and that core silliness seems to be part of the driving force behind Cake Bash...

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7 / 10.0 - Star Renegades
Nov 19, 2020

I can't ever get enough roguelike games in my life it seems, and I'm always intrigued to see how it can be used as a catalyst for changing up expectations for new genres and break ground...

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6.2 / 10.0 - Dreamo
Nov 19, 2020

Going back quite some time the FPS puzzle adventure has seen a variety of takes over the years...

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6 / 10.0 - Brawl Chess
Nov 19, 2020

Seeing this title immediately brought back fond memories of the classic Battle Chess, which was generally pretty enjoyable even if I was never very good at playing the game...

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9 / 10.0 - Sniper Elite 4
Nov 17, 2020

The Sniper Elite series has always been an interesting red-headed step-child off to the side of the FPS genre...

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8 / 10.0 - Pure Pool
Nov 17, 2020

While I’ve never been super serious about playing pool it is a sport I’ve enjoyed in quite a number of pool halls and friends’ homes over time...

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Nov 17, 2020

As time has gone on the first-person shooter genre has gone through quite a lot of changes and evolution, generally moving from simply being all about blowing through hordes of enemies and trying to add in either story elements or genre mixes to help it become a bit more elevated...

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7.5 / 10.0 - Five Dates
Nov 17, 2020

With the global pandemic just now reaching a full year since it was first discovered Five Dates is a bit of a quick turnaround marvel, looking to capitalize on an opportunity to make a rom-com-styled game in the days of Covid...

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7 / 10.0 - Mars Horizon
Nov 17, 2020

Memorialized in books, movies, and television shows, the space race is one of the most significant triumphs of both science and human will ever...

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Nov 13, 2020

As you may know by now if you’ve read quite a few reviews I generally find narrative games to be less-than-stellar more often than not...

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6.4 / 10.0 - Unhatched
Nov 13, 2020

It's always nice to see new takes on trending genres, and Unhatched has jumped into the fray with its own flavor variation on a deck-building strategy game...

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