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131 games reviewed
76.0 average score
80 median score
64.9% of games recommended

GamesFinest's Reviews

8 / 10 - Hauntii
Jun 4, 2024

Hauntii is moving and thought-provoking without being forced. The game may not be particularly challenging, but it doesn't have to be, because the focus is clearly elsewhere: beautiful images, a great soundtrack and an interesting story take you on a great journey into eternity.

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8 / 10 - Moonglow Bay
Apr 10, 2024

The fishing role-playing game Moonglow Bay from indie developer Bunnyhug can safely be described as a mix of Minecraft and Animal Crossing. Players of both titles will quickly find their way around the small fishing village and, in my case, won't want to put the Switch down. As a true angler, I am of course delighted that the game is largely about fishing, including the utilisation of fish. I also think it's great that there are real-life species in this title as well as imaginary fish species. I don't see the fact that a large part of the game takes place on the water as a point of criticism, because the game world is surprisingly extensive and, in addition to different fish, also awaits brave anglers with changing weather conditions. The creative team behind Bunnyhug has definitely increased the fanbase by releasing the game on the missing platforms and will bring a smile to the faces of many new players.

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Mar 26, 2024

I have to admit that Tomas Sala really delivers in the case of Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles, releasing a chilled-out city builder that encourages my creative self and lets me relax on the couch in the evening. The gameplay is wonderfully intuitive and easy to get to grips with. After just a few minutes of trying it out, anyone can build up their settlement, open up new trade routes and see how the population density increases. All this without the resource pressure of conventional building simulations and really free to play.

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Mar 22, 2024

All in all, Alone in the Dark celebrates a positive resurrection with a new direction that I really like at its core! The dense atmosphere in combination with the staging, story and detailed world of a marvellous 1920s setting carried me through the title very well. The puzzle solving shines as a core gameplay element in the narrative-driven game, making Alone in the Dark a really competent video game, at least in these aspects. However, I have to grumble a little more about the combat. Spongy gunplay, a bitchy camera, a meagre variation of enemies, as well as a sometimes stupid AI spoil the fun of the game. This needs a comprehensive overhaul for a hopefully upcoming second part. Because the new edition is a really successful work in this series, which has recently been in crisis and has a really solid pillar in its story, presentation and puzzle solving, on which a rosy future can be built. However, developer studio Pieces Interactive should take another look at the battles, which fortunately make up a smaller part of the overall work, as their genre colleague Resident Evil has already demonstrated in the third-person spin-offs.

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Feb 17, 2024

Unfortunately, I am personally very disappointed with Silent Hill: The Short Message. Even though it's a free game, Konami has left a lot of potential untapped here. The creative minds could have put a bit more effort into the possible new direction of the franchise. The storyline is in tune with the times, really important and well told. Both visually and acoustically. Only the lame strolling through the predetermined corridors of the building, coupled with the unfair and completely confusing chase passages, really spoil the fun of the game. Owners of a PlayStation 5 can of course form their own opinion free of charge, but shouldn't expect too much.

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8 / 10 - CLeM
Feb 12, 2024

CLeM is a small but lovingly designed puzzle adventure game that is perfect for a cozy evening on the couch or for a short puzzle fun in between. With a playing time of only around three hours, this indie title is not really long-term entertainment, but it doesn't have to be. With a great drawing style, a slightly spooky atmosphere and well-designed puzzles, the title stands out in its very own way and is well worth a place in your games library.

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8 / 10 - Fae Farm
Oct 6, 2023

At first, I thought of Fae Farm as just another Animal Crossing clone. What I got, however, was much more than that. Especially when you consider how much content Animal Crossing had at the beginning on the Switch, Fae Farm has a lot more to offer. But enough of the comparisons, because to always just compare is not fair to the game at all. Do we have an outstanding masterpiece here? No. What we have here, however, is a great indie game with a motivated team behind it, and you can definitely tell. So far, Fae Farm is high on my list of feel-good games and I'm still very excited to see how the game will develop with the announced updates.

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Oct 5, 2023

True to the motto "better a good copy than a bad one", The Crew Motorfest wants to take on the big flagship that has been giving us the best open-world arcade racers for years. Will the throne be shaken? At least a little bit. Because the game world, presentation, visuals, sound and vehicles are quite convincing and make a lot of fun in places. The arcade handling is very solid. Thus, we get a game that I had more fun with than expected. However, the game doesn't manage to outdo the big idol in any point. It does everything that Forza Horizon does quite well, but never as well as the original. Whether handling, scope, track design. FH is somehow always a tire ahead. That's not a bad thing, though, because even those who don't own a PC or Xbox get a good alternative. However, those who can call the aforementioned systems their own will probably have little reason to get away from Forza. Motorfest doesn't offer enough of its own identity and doesn't quite manage to capitalize on its USP (boats & planes).

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Sep 26, 2023

Goodbye Volcano High is humorous, sad, poignant, personal, charming. In short: the full fire side of emotions. The developer studio KO_OP achieves this with a wonderfully written story, which becomes incredibly close thanks to great voice actors, a coherent art style and multi-layered themes. Goodbye Volcano High is not "just" another coming-of-age story, but also a wonderful link to pop culture and the question of "being". Not dryly, though, but in a totally sympathetic way. A truly recommendable indie gem that should please fans of visual novels very much. Accordingly, you shouldn't expect too much gameplay. The passages that it does have, however, know how to inspire me and might have even deserved a bit more space.

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Sep 7, 2023

Gosh, I was looking forward to this game! The gloomy presentation, along with the narrative approach in the depths of the sea already excited me at the announcement. Fortunately, there is still plenty of enthusiasm left for the release. Because in its narrative and writing, I'm happy to let Under the Waves capture me and throw me into an emotionally gripping game. Indeed, that grabs you just as much as exploring the underwater world that seems so alien. The only annoying thing is the stiff submarine controls and the heavy tearing in the main menu. This has already been fixed on the PC, but console players will have to be patient. Under the Waves is a moving excursion into the depths, including those of the main character Stan. Dealing with the past, loss and loneliness, as well as dealing with the environment, are skillfully spun into a virtual journey wrapped in exploration. Absolutely recommended purchase!

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Sep 1, 2023

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is the Jet Set Radio successor we never got. The comparison doesn't come out of nowhere, it's practically provoked. Whether it's the visual aesthetics, the cool sounds or the game design. The source of inspiration is obvious. But instead of just copying a great work poorly, an excellent spiritual successor succeeded here, which wonderfully manages to create a gameplay that builds into each other, through which I keep getting lost in the game world in my combo build-up. Thanks in part to the great humor, I can absolutely recommend this title to anyone interested in a mix of Jet Set Radio and old Tony Hawk games. Unfortunately, the story and the battle system don't manage to slide to the same level. In view of the other strengths, this can be forgiven and doesn't change the fact that it's a real insider's tip in the midst of the many AAA games.

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Aug 18, 2023

Quantum Recharged basically can't do much wrong and comes across less cluttered than, say, a Geometry Wars. The fan community that still has enough reflexes to prove their skill, wants to invest a few hours in perfecting their combo moves and doesn't mind the squeaky color explosions will certainly get their money's worth. Everyone else will keep their hands off Quantum Charged, as expected.

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6 / 10 - Atlas Fallen
Aug 14, 2023

With Atlas Fallen, Deck 13 fearlessly enters a completely new competitive situation, provides a fundamental synergy thanks to coherent game elements, which ultimately creates a recognition value that can justify the entire project. The clear focus on the offensive brings an action-heavy, sometimes motivating battle to light, which never frustrates despite its performance-driven orientation, but instead benefits from its simplicity and the trivial, tactical component. As well thought-out and coherent as the combat system initially appears, the action role-playing game is short-lived in its entirety. Atlas Fallen ultimately fails primarily due to its long-term motivation: both the narrative, thanks to its staging omissions and its emotional superficiality, as well as the redundant, even lifeless game world seem like foreign bodies, squander enormous potential and make sure that you have to find yourself in the genre mediocrity - which can definitely get lost in this year's high-quality release clutter.

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What Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical is not is a video game with innovative game design or creative game elements. Instead, the title shines with a gripping story, great images, high-quality music and an interesting implementation of the Greek god mythology. So if you like to influence a beautiful story, create your own little musical, and are cool with experiencing a rather passive gaming experience as a text adventure, you won't go wrong here and will have a good time.

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8 / 10 - Pikmin 4
Aug 1, 2023

Pikmin 4 lets go of the reins and just lets me do my thing. The mixture of discovering, puzzling, fighting, collecting and multiplying Pikmin works perfectly and excited me because the variety and level structure always motivated me intrinsically. And oh, is it all cute. The night sections fit in just as well as the Dandori matches. Even better, though, is the integration of Ochin the dog, who feels so incredibly natural as part of Pikmin 4 and actually enriches the gameplay. This also lets me overlook the stale visuals. However, it's less easy for me, especially when it comes to the introduction and the dialogs in general. So much blah. So much blub. It unfortunately interrupts the flow over and over again and instead somehow tries to tell some kind of plot, but unfortunately in the end it's a mixture of dull and stupid. But that's not why I'm playing Pikmin 4, I'm playing it because action-strategy is served up in such a likeable, fun and creative way that I rarely get to experience elsewhere. Anyone with even a hint of affection for the genre should not miss it.

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7 / 10 - Remnant II
Jul 30, 2023

It may sound paradoxical, almost gloating, but Gunfire Games enters a groundless, even illusory competition with Remnant 2, only to ultimately position itself in a niche where none of the industry giants want to position themselves. In doing so, the game skilfully balances between two genres, provides the necessary accessibility, builds up a long-term USP and thus rightfully ends up at the top of the Steam sales charts. With the focus on individualization and the resulting considerable replay value, the AA studio trivially succeeds in building a unique selling point that ultimately knows how to justify itself via its motivational effect. While the narrative loses a substantial arc of suspense at the expense of accessible triviality and you have to admit to some technical performance problems, Gunfire Games nevertheless manages to build up an extremely coherent, challenging co-op shooter that fights its way out of the stigma "insider tip" not least because of its genre mix. But even without this "puppy protection" in the midst of the current competitive situation, Remnant 2 shouldn't have to prove itself, because as we all know, there are no winners in the Cold War.

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8 / 10 - Viewfinder
Jul 17, 2023

Amidst all the consistent sequels, remakes, and remasters, Viewfinder beckons to me out of the corner of my eye. It seems playful, creative, and visually stunning in a way all its own, so I can't help but love it. I've had hundreds of images merge with the game world now, and even the 101st time still leaves me intrigued by how well the perspective gameplay actually works. It doesn't take the effects fireworks of Final Fantasy XVI or the graphical opulence of a Horizon: Forbidden West to wow me on a visual level. It's also simply enough to blow my physical imagination around the spatial and let me immerse myself in it at the same time. The rather subliminal story wouldn't have even been needed there. What it would have needed, if anything, was a more challenging first third and maybe a moment or two more that would have made me less inhibited in my creativity by a clearly prescribed course of action. Viewfinder is still a wonderful experience for those who can engage in a very unique way of puzzling. And if you're unsure, play the demo!

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Jul 10, 2023

Dave the Diver is a small surprise of the gaming year so far. With a coherent and complex overall package and a lot of creative ideas and attention to detail, the indie title does a lot right and will probably earn a top position on the permanent favorites list of many players.

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6 / 10 - Dead Island 2
Apr 19, 2023

I would like to get more out of Dead Island 2. But unfortunately, neither the narrative emptiness, the uninspired mission design nor the repetitive gameplay loop can really pull me along. Yes, I had fun, especially in the first few hours, enjoying the gore effects and just bluntly beating my way through hordes of zombies. But the poorly balanced progression also let me go just as quickly. The humor, too, unfortunately didn't pick me up in almost any minute. The overall solid combat system is the lynchpin of the title, though. If you had a lot of fun with the first game, you might also like part 2, because despite the long development time, it is very close to the original. However, if you need variety, a growing battle system, and generally anything beyond that in terms of story and interesting characters, Dead Island 2 is at best something for the Christmas Sale at the end of the year. After 9 years of development rollercoaster, the action game is not a disaster, but it still dares frighteningly little to stand out by anything.

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Apr 3, 2023

Curse of the Sea Rats is a good game for those who want to get into the Metroidvania genre or don't have too high demands on the technical implementation. Veterans, on the other hand, might still lack the final touch, especially in direct comparison with the genre classics. Otherwise, Curse of the Sea Rats is quite entertaining with about 12 hours of gameplay and a detailed world.

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