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One More Game

218 games reviewed
82.1 average score
80 median score
92.7% of games recommended

One More Game's Reviews

Aug 17, 2023

Blasphemous 2 is a satisfying and meaty action platformer well worth its Metroidvania pedigree. Though I wished the difficulty of Blasphemous 2 would've been sustained throughout the experience, it progressively got easier the more you got powerful. I wouldn't say it's a bad thing because it allows for a wider audience, especially those not partial to crushingly difficult games like its predecessor. It follows up a fantastic premise fantastically and delivers from start to finish with its solid adherence to its themes and visual playbook. Blasphemous 2's story and visual panache hooks you and doesn't let go. It also doesn't hurt that the non-linear world is so vast and there's so much to explore. So many varied enemies to fight and, though easy, bosses to vanquish.

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Aug 6, 2023

Remnant II does a lot of things right and does it well. There’s so much to enjoy about the game, and a lot more is waiting in its depths once players give it a chance and look over its challenging reputation of being “Dark Souls with guns.” While solo play can be enjoyable, multiplayer is where the game really shines, allowing players to complement each other with the various archetypes in the game that offer distinct playstyles. Bosses are a big highlight of the game and require thought and patience due to their challenging but interesting mechanics.

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Wait - Exoprimal
Jul 25, 2023

Exoprimal is a must-try game at any point when it goes on sale or via Xbox Game Pass if you have access to it. It's a fun multiplayer-only game that is addictive and boasts potential cult status as it builds its community and improves upon its post-game content. Sadly, that is more in the future, and now it just feels like a game preview with the only thing going for it being the promise of future Exoprimal content. That said, it's hard to recommend the game at its full price point despite its polished and fun gameplay. There's still a possibility that its postgame content will not reach the heights of the main story, and with its current lack of gameplay variety, the grind that comes with the repetitive missions makes it all the more unbearable. I'm not confident that Exoprimal will continue to enjoy its current player base until they introduce their promised modes sooner rather than later.

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Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective is a highly enjoyable experience that I’m glad Capcom deemed fit to release for modern audiences. It’s charming and unique, and the story is written well enough to keep you captivated throughout your playthrough. This game is perfect for gamers who are looking for a break between long open-world games, and with so many of these grand and high-budget titles that have either been recently released or are coming soon, this Capcom classic is something that we would not recommend skipping.

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Jul 17, 2023

Overall, Viewfinder is a simple yet fantastic concept that’s brought to life with brilliant execution. It doesn’t get too fancy with effects or photorealistic visuals, but the entertainment and satisfaction factor of the game is up there with the best of them. Solving puzzles is extremely satisfying, prompting back pats for a job well done. The puzzles aren’t frustratingly tough but will require players to think and approach them from a new perspective. In fact, there are multiple ways to go about things, bringing forth creative ways to solve one problem.

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Jul 16, 2023

Oxenfree II: Lost Signals is a solid follow-up to the original, albeit having lost some of its original charm along the way. It further explores the mysterious world set up by the original, while getting you to empathize with the protagonist and its supporting characters. It is enjoyable for the most part, especially for fans of narrative adventures. At the heart of the game is a personal story of the characters finding their identity and recovering from past trauma, however, I felt that the original Oxenfree had more heft in their interpersonal interactions and replay playthroughs. Though I enjoyed seeing the rules of the world expanded as well as the addition of fresh set pieces that push the subgenre to its limit.

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Jul 7, 2023

There is a lot of potential for AEW Fight Forever, as it provides variety and an alternative to WWE 2K's quasi-monopoly for wrestling games. It hearkens back to classic arcade-style wrestling titles, which brings back some nostalgia; however, it will take a little more than nostalgia to provide a fun and lasting experience. Due to many performance issues and awkward design choices, we cannot completely recommend AEW Fight Forever as a Day 1 purchase. However, there are quite a few fun ideas that they have so that it doesn't feel like a complete write-off; namely, the Road to Elite story mode has the potential to be a fun story mode moving forward should the developers continue to support it.

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Jul 7, 2023

Overall, Street Fighter 6 is a triumphant return for Capcom. Coming from the lackluster showing of Street Fighter 5, this latest installment ticks all of the right boxes and then some. There are a ton of modes for players to sink hours into, and with the inclusion of rollback netcode, online matches are pure bliss. While the addition of “easier” control schemes may be a controversial decision, this gives budding world warriors the chance to jump in and quickly be competitive right off the bat. Higher levels of play will want to stick to the classic controls for full access to any and all moves, but it is always nice to have a choice.

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Jun 28, 2023

Park Beyond is an interesting time with an interesting concept. Impossification is a great feature, allowing players to let their imagination run wild, all while meeting the checks and balances of a sim game. Sadly, the game is marred by bugs and crashes that have happened more times than I normally forgive titles for. Add a UI that feels unfinished and unpolished, and the experience really sours the more you play. Despite using a powerful rig, Park Beyond still has some hitches, but it's great that the developers are hard at work on fixes.

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Buy - F1 23
Jun 27, 2023

F1 23 is a great title for what it aims to do. The game is fast, chock-full of features, and fulfills the need for a competent and polished driving sim. With the return of Braking Point along with the all-new F1 World, racing fans can expect a good time with the game.

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Jun 21, 2023

The combat isn’t turn-based, and you don’t control a huge party of characters… Yet, Final Fantasy XVI is still very much a Final Fantasy game through and through. Some fans, both long-time and more recent, will have a hard time accepting the fact, but there’s no denying the work that Yoshi-P and the team have done here. Final Fantasy XVI is a damn masterpiece of epic proportions. This is the future of Final Fantasy’s artistry – an ever-changing canvas that can be what the team wants it to be and at least, for Final Fantasy XVI, this exercise has proved to be a triumph.

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May 22, 2023

Planet of Lana is a game of resounding balance between light and dark, gameplay and story, beauty and simplicity. It is an organically unified piece that uses the sum of its parts to fully synergize an experience to elicit a myriad of emotions from the player as they traverse the planet with a variety of landscapes, encounters, and ultimately, a simple story of reunion and friendship.

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May 18, 2023

Overall, LEGO 2K Drive is a surprisingly competent racer that I totally did not expect, and while it is mostly aimed at a younger target audience, more experienced players might be pleasantly surprised at what LEGO 2K Drive has to offer. There are a lot of side activities and collectibles to be had in the game, and when not exploring, players can take part in the campaign mode to race it up against other aspiring champs. There’s also a local and online co-op to take on other racers across the world. Sadly, the aggressive monetization really ruins a lot of the fun in the game. There’s always a choice not to use this avenue, but between the low payouts per race, the long grind, and the expensive pricing, the push to spend more Brickbux is as powerful as ever.

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Wait - Redfall
May 2, 2023

Redfall is a highly anticipated title for Xbox fans, and while it may not hit the extreme highs that may have been expected of it, the game does provide some semblance of decent gameplay with fast-paced combat and some vampire-slaying action. Despite that, performance problems plague the PC version of the game, with wildly inconsistent frame rates even when nothing is happening on screen. Redfall isn't releasing with a 60 fps option on the Xbox Series X as announced by the studio, and seeing how the game is performing on the PC, the game clearly needed more time to get optimization in and iron out kinks, which could lead players to wait before trying it out.

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Apr 26, 2023

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is a monumental balancing act that improves upon its predecessor while standing on its own as a satisfying and emotional story. From its dynamic gameplay to an improvement in its movement and verticality to the delicate balance of its story, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor gets a lot of things right, showing us the way how to make a true Star Wars video game. Just like Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order before it, I highly recommend this game not only to fans of Star Wars but to everyone else simply because of the experience. The game offers players a story of epic proportions, characters that they can emotionally relate to, and an experience that doesn't overstay its welcome or overwhelm you with too much content. It finds the right balance that ends up feeling fulfilling on all fronts.

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Coffee Talk Episode 2 is the perfect game for those times when you just want to kick back and relax. The combination of its excellent soundtrack and charming cast makes for an experience that's as comforting and laid-back as you can get. The game is certainly not for everyone, and players who aren’t fond of visual novel-type games will not change their minds, even though Coffee Talk Episode 2 offers a more engaging gameplay loop compared to others. While the sequel offers nothing remarkably new and is more of the same as the first game, trying it out may be a surprise.

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Apr 18, 2023

Dead Island 2 is a serviceable zombie action game that improves many components of the first title and delivers an enjoyable time when given a chance. However, it doesn't innovate, is highly formulaic, and ticks off every feature to a fault. Your enjoyment will really depend on what you're looking for, and there's no truer example than Dead Island 2. Dambuster Studios did a good job revitalizing Dead Island 2, which has fallen into development hell over the past years. This has to be pointed out, and with such a troubled history, it's a massive feat to finally be able to bring this out and release it to the gaming public.

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Apr 14, 2023

Minecraft Legends takes the base formula of Minecraft and employs a uniquely fun and engaging twist that will keep you glued to your TV sets for hours on end. Whether it’s repelling a Piglin attack or taking the fight to one of their bases, the action and strategy required are well thought out and, most importantly, fun to execute. Whether campaign or PVP, Minecraft Legends offers a fun time that doesn’t go overboard with its action or strategy aspects too much to turn away the other, but instead finds a great balance between the two that results in a fantastic outing.

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Apr 11, 2023

Road 96: Mile 0, sadly, isn’t an essential attraction compared to Road 96‘s gameplay loop and characterization. Sadly, the charm that made the original game stand out is gone, and we’re left with an overdone story that dampens the allure of the original game.

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Apr 10, 2023

While still fundamentally the same, MLB The Show 23 succeeds in adding a new feature that really adds to the overall value of the game. The Negro Leagues is a triumphant addition, highlighting not only these icons of the sport but also showing their path to recognition. Even as a newcomer to the sport, it’s not hard to recognize the work put into this mode, which should be considered a staple moving forward.

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