James Marshall
A fun start, but there's a lot here to build on.
Despite an increase in action, Game of Thrones continues to disappoint with a sidenote storyline.
An unforgettable experience, Rapture deserves to be played by anyone with a fondness for stories.
A major improvement on past episodes, but the narrative arc is hard to distinguish and there's too much thematic crossover with the series. Game of Thrones looks and acts the part but lacks 'water-cooler' moments that shock and provoke discussion.
The flames of my attention are beginning to wane, my empathy draining, especially with the return of HBO's flagship show. The next episode will need to step it up, in terms of story and in finding a way for me to care about the Forresters again. As of now, this family is coming across as decidedly wooden, in need of a chop.
Based on the story so far, Game of Thrones is very much worthy of your time but has plenty to prove in the space of a handful more episodes to come. It also needs to find its own identity and move away from archetypes already covered in the books. Hopefully this will be the expository episode, with the tension ratcheting up as things continue to fall apart for House Forrester.
Techland used to elicit a groan, an expectation of being underwhelmed. The game more than redeems their reputation and is a great step in the right direction. There are new ideas that emerge from the old and it is this attitude could spell greatness for the studio. Like your character, all they need to do is keep moving forward.
The Talos Principle will make you feel confounded but in that wonderful way that precludes an epiphany. You'll leave each session feeling genuinely smarter - and perhaps a little rebellious to boot.
It's not going to surpass Rock Band as the de facto music party game, neither is it going to save Kinect. But, as a potential swansong to Microsoft's neglected camera, Fantasia: Music Evolved is more than worthy.
In doing this, Unity is not the huge leap forward that a next-gen Assassin's Creed promised it would be - rather it's a familiar adventure dressed in exceptional decoration. The artistry to be found in Paris far outweighs the by-the-numbers story. In essence it's more Assassin's Creed, then - that will tell you all you need to know if you're mulling over a purchase. Perhaps this is why this Assassin's Creed feels as though, like its time-spanning storyline, it has one foot in the future and one in the past.
Wrapped in the grainy trappings of detail-perfect environments, Creative Assembly have done devout fans proud, managing to create a game that fits the right tone. It's a love letter for the fans - one so delicately written that it's fun to imagine what the studio would do with other films.
It comes across as a budget title - both graphically and thanks to the bugs that make it feel unfinished. This used to be acceptable - it was, after all, the epitome of a guilty pleasure, some gory ridiculousness to pass the time. Now it feels overstretched and too reliant on that gimmick, diluting the core sniper experience. In the shadow of Wolfenstein: The New Order, even shooting a digital Hitler (and, yes, even the legend that is Charlie Brooker) feels underwhelming. A greater focus on ballistics, not ballsacks, would serve Rebellion well.
It might not be original but it's polished and practical; not the most effusive of compliments, but a recommendation nonetheless.
Maybe it's the graphics, the outstanding soundtrack or just the charm that calls you back time after time. A Realm Reborn has been born anew and it remains one of the best MMOs on the market.
Lazy, shoddy and rushed this is a Spider that could do with a good blast of Raid.
It's another lacklustre, characterless cash-in and one that solidifies Dead Rising's downloadable output as dismal, only appealing to those who haven't bought another game since or die-hard fans of pointless tasks. It's better than Chaos Rising but by capping off a promising mini-campaign with such disappointment, The Last Agent retrospectively tarnishes the whole wretched endeavour.
Chaos Rising is probably the most fun of the three episodes so far, but their similarity in everything from structure down to animation does little to endear the player to these hastily-sketched caricatures. There's every likelihood that the next episode will follow the same pattern but an hour is enough to draw an intriguing character. We haven't seen one yet - perhaps Capcom Vancouver are saving the best for last? We can but hope.
Yes it's available on nearly every other platform but that means that everyone can experience the expert level design, constant surprise and cheerful glee that is Rayman Legends.
If a few new weapons are enough to part you with your cash then Fallen Angel is an expensive addition worth a look. If it's content you seek, look elsewhere - this expansion is so lacking in thought that even Dead Rising's brain-craving zombies would pass it by.
Although a greatest hits in a sense ' what with chocobos, Moogles and more ' Lightning Returns can't shake the feeling of a track on repeat. Time is of the essence in real terms as well; time to move on, perhaps.