Mark Roddison
A well-made SRPG with a full commitment to its piratical inspirations, even if it takes longer than it should to learn systems and control patterns.
VED is full of gorgeous graphics and hosts a decent combat system, even if its story and characters do not come together in a satisfying manner.
Despite its earnest story and the potential, Sky Oceans struggles to soar due to its obtuse gameplay systems, dull combat, and raft of glitches.
It may spread itself a little thin in pulling from so many influences, but Beyond Galaxyland offers a decent story, intriguing graphic design, and compelling combat dynamics.
A quality combination of pixel-art, turn-based JRPG, and Metroidvania. A recipe for monster-collection success.
Like a mid-day nap, Dream Tactics is a short and sweet offering of turn-based roleplaying, but not entirely fulfilling.
A lovingly-crafted remake, full of character, clever design and gut-punching difficulty. Just as it was back in 1981.
Bask in the heady nostalgia of an '80s retro RPG with strong systems and a dark, mature narrative.
Geneforge 2 - Infestation updates a classic RPG fix from the turn of the millennium, with the good (and not-so-good) parts of its heritage intact.
Capes uses a clever twist on team skills and discrete abilities to offer a solid, tactical turn-based RPG evoking Bronze-Age era superhero tales.
Zoria can offer a compelling tactical experience, but presentation and graphical weaknesses dull the shine.
The Thaumaturge offers a (very) bleak view of alt-history Warsaw at the turn of the 20th century, driven by ambitious narrative systems and a solid combat offering involving the use of metaphysical creatures.
A game offering dozens of hours of turn-based tactical combat with a huge range of tactical and character choices, even if the story and interface do not quite reach the same level.