Angela Marrujo Fornaca.
Island Adventure is far from perfect, but it’s also a genuinely fun experience that, when it gets things right, it gets them very right.
I really hope that SEGA sees Kiwami as a stepping stone to at least bringing Yakuza 0 to Switch. It’s one of my all-time favorite games with a story that’s even better than Kiwami’s, and frankly I don’t really understand why they didn’t start with that game before this one. Regardless, the door is open to do so and I hope they take advantage of it, especially considering how well it’s selling and much it outpaced Ryu Ga Gotoku’s sales expectations. Yakuza is a special series and I’m so happy to finally see it on a Nintendo console in North America (and for only $19.99). Go download it. Now.
The story is around 12 hours to complete and, as I mentioned above, there were some bugs and some minor gameplay frustrations. But do give it a chance if you enjoy strong narratives that keep you on the edge of your seat and have an interest in the macabre.
TTYD on Switch is a good case study in how to do a remaster well. While it’s not perfect, it by and large does right by the original game by making improvements where necessary without negatively impacting what made the original so good in the first place. In my humble opinion, this game is by far the strongest in the Paper Mario series.